Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Today is Prescription Drug Take – Back Day all throughout Chester County. (Link to Local Collection Points)

April 27, 2013

Prescription Drug Take-Back Day across the country on Saturday, April 27th. Collection sites are open 10 a.m. to 2:0OPM . The service is free and anonymous, no questions asked.

CLICK HERE to visit the DEA website for the full list of collection points

Philly Burb Mom Janeane and twins involved in Hit and Run. F150 Truck still at large.

April 26, 2013

Many of you have heard that a Mother (Janeane) and her twins were struck by a hit-and-run driver while crossing the street on foot in Radnor yesterday. The Mother is part of a Social Media Network that I (Sarah) belong to. This is what she posted last night…

Thank you to all of your for your kindness and generosity. The little twin is sore but got sent home from the hospital. The big twin was sent by helicopter to Dupont Hospital in Delaware. She is sedated and we are waiting to see if she wakes up and responds before dealing with the fractures. It is a terrible thing to see your child hit so hard she is knocked out of her shoes. Please know we appreciate all your kindness and help.

There are several efforts hosted by friends of Janeane to help provide for her family during this difficult time. If you would like to contribute, here are a few options:

Saidah of A Proverbs Wife is collecting donations here: 

If you have a Facebook or Twitter account, please update your status to read: 
6yr old in hospital, due to hit & run. Black Ford F150 still at large. See something? Say Something!

Finally, whether or not you’re in the position to help financially, please send prayers and positive thoughts to Janeane and her family, and let’s hope the driver of that truck is brought to justice.

Dr. Seuss – 5 Books For $5.95 + Free Backpack & Audio Book

March 1, 2013

Dr. Seuss’s Birthday is March 2nd. No American writer has had as great an impact on children’s literature as Dr. Seuss. His imaginative characters, vivid illustrations, and catchy rhymes are instantly recognizable to anyone who grew up reading his stories. Create a personal library of children’s books by joining Dr. Seuss & His Friends book club.

Great Deal for only $5.95! Includes: – The Cat in the Hat, Mr. Brown Can Moo, Ten Apples On Top, Go Dog Go! & The Tooth Book – Free colorful Cat in the Hat Backpack to carry all your books in. – Free shipping. – Free Dr. Seuss & His Friends Audiobook read by Jason Alexander, David Hyde Pierce or Kelsey Grammer. 

*Note that this is only available during the Dr. Seuss Birthday weekend celebration March 1 – March 3, 2013.

Why join Dr. Seuss & His Friends book club?

Receive 3 new books each month.
Create lasting memories with the same classic stories you loved as a child.
Wacky and wonderful characters will engage and entertain your child. 

Conveniently control your membership online.
– Adjust your shipping interval
– View account history

Preview upcoming packages Risk free. Cancel anytime.
• No purchase commitment
• High quality, hard covered editions.
• Convenience of home delivery for less than $5 per book.
• 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

Note: This offer is a monthly book club. Customers will automatically be charged and sent additional books each month. To manage your account, call 1-800-353-3140 or login to your account online:

Experience up to 60 replica and moving museum quality Dinosaurs, next weekend at the Philly Expo Center

January 30, 2013

Experience up to 60 replica and moving museum quality Dinosaurs at The Philadelphia Expo Center in Oaks. Discover the Dinosaurs is for the entire family, and especially kids, to explore the mystery of pre-historic life in an environment of learning, discovery, and fun. Discover the Dinosaurs is a unique hands-on exhibit that consists of over 60 museum quality and animatronic dinosaurs, giving you the opportunity to actually get close and touch the dinosaurs! Beyond the exhibit, additional fun activities are available for kids of all ages, which make spending the day with the dinosaurs a great experience for the entire family.

This show will take place in Hall C.

Hours: Fri, Feb 8 12:00 pm – 9:00 pm Sat, Feb 9 10:00 am – 8:00 pm Sun, Feb 10 10:00 am – 7:00 pm

Click here for ticket info

Click here to visit the event’s website: Discover the Dinosaurs

National Day of Service Food Drive to benefit The Chester County Food Bank

January 20, 2013
Looking for a way to keep your kiddos busy on the day off from school? 
Have them go through your pantry and collect items for the Chester County Food Bank

CALLING ALL Babysitters, Nannies and families with young children looking for Babysitters and Nannies!

January 18, 2013

CALLING ALL Babysitters, Nannies and families with young children.
The last weekend in January, with the support of Kimberton Waldorf School, and over a dozen early education programs, Main Line Parent will showcase preschool and kindergarten programs, camps, and educational enrichment programs for children under 6 in a family fun day in Wayne on Saturday and Wynnewood on Sunday.
Main Line Parent and UrbanSitter will also host their FIRST Milk & Cookies Mingle at the fair:
For families — New to the area? Looking to expand your circle of family friends with children of a similar age? Interested in joining (or forming) a local playgroup? This Mingle event is for you.
For nannies and sitters — Looking to fill your schedule or pick up a few hours here and there? Meet families and secure interviews in person at this casual networking event and keep the recommendations and referrals coming your way via
Come to enjoy some treats and meet some new friends, explore hands-on crafts and activities with your kids, learn how to best navigate the early education waters with our PRESCHOOL 101 WORKSHOP, and win some of our fantastic RAFFLE PRIZES too!
The first 50 families and 25 sitters/nannies to register and arrive will receive gift bags and extra tickets for our raffle table! (See for Giveaway announcements)
1:30 PM Puppet Show
2:00 PM Sitter Speed Dating
2:30 PM Preschool 101 Workshop by Shannon Choe, Premier Baby Concierge
3:00 PM Science is FUN! presentation for kids

Coping with Tragedy by Shelby Riley, LMFT

December 20, 2012

I know the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary has shaken the entire nation.  Many of my clients and friends have expressed that they have a renewed perspective on their family relationships, and also a profound sadness that has surprised them in its intensity.  Some also shared they have an unshakeable sense of anxiety that something like this could happen to their own children.

Coping with feelings like these can be incredibly difficult.  Many people wonder, is it wrong to feel so sad when this didn’t happen to my immediate family or social circle?  Is it okay to enjoy my own children when so many parents have lost theirs?  Am I a terrible person for not enjoying my own children today when so many parents have lost theirs?  How can I send my kids out into the world when it feels so unsafe?

First, let’s start by establishing that any reaction you are having is fine.  If you feel scared, angry, sad, or relieved it wasn’t you, that is okay.  If you feel rage or compassion toward the gunman, either are fine, both are fine.  If you feel anxious about the world, or safe in the world, both reactions are fine.  There is nothing wrong with feeling whatever you are feeling.

Now you get to decide if you want to live from those feelings.  Making choices based on fear or anger is usually not helpful.  Sometimes it can be, but often not. 

Through my work as a marriage and family therapist, I have learned that much of coping with the difficulties of life is being able to hold two diametrically opposed concepts and know that they are both true.

The world is a scary, unsafe place filled with danger.  It is also an incredibly safe place filled with love, kindness and beauty.

Let’s agree there is danger in the world.  We were reminded of that last Friday, and we will be reminded of that again.  Cars crash, buildings burn, storms demolish homes.  But if we focus on that danger, and miss out on the other reality, that the world is filled with love and light, our world will grow very small.  Maybe some of you have seen the Mister Rogers quote about “looking for the helpers.”  He tells the story of how his mother taught him, when he saw scary things, to look for the helpers.  To regain some healthy perspective, notice how many “helpers” responded on Friday.  Countless firefighters, police officers, clergy, and other service workers were on the scene.  Notice how many teachers, staff, and students were brave “helpers.”  The amount of love, the amount of goodness in the world on that day, at that school, far outweighs the horror of one individual.  We feel pain so acutely, and the loss of life and destruction he caused is so heavy, it is easy to miss the incredible amount of good present in that school on that day.

The world is no more dangerous today than it was on Thursday a week ago.  It feels more dangerous, but the reality is, we are still, in general, living in a safe world.  Here is what I suggest:

  • Turn off your TV and stop checking FB and Twitter and your News App.  The constant barrage of information by the media is overwhelming and unhealthy for us.  It is re-traumatizing.  Check once a day to see if there is new information.  Read the memorials of the children and staff on your news feed once a day.  Allow yourself to honor the people involved in the tragedy, but give yourself breathing room to comfort yourself and protect yourself from too much information.
  • Enjoy the new perspective you have about your family and friends, but don’t expect yourself to feel that gratitude 24/7 for the rest of your life.  You are human, and you have a range of feelings.  Your kids need to know you love them and cherish them, and they also need to know it is okay for them to move through the world, taking risks and making mistakes.  They need love, and they need discipline.  For one family, it may be a healthy response to walk your first grader to the bus stop one driveway away because you want to cherish the time with her.  For another family, that may create more anxiety and not allow the child to figure out how to cope with her separation anxiety and build a sense of autonomy.  Know which family you are and give your kids what they need.
  • Acknowledge any fearful or difficult thoughts and feelings you may be having, take a moment to experience them and then soothe them, and ask yourself what other truth you need to hold onto.  “I can’t stand sending my kids off to school—what if this happens to them?” can be held right next to, “the world is still a very safe place” and you can comfort yourself with a few statistics about how many children go off to school each day and come home safely.  This does not dishonor the children who died last Friday.  This reminds you of the reality of how safe your children are.

I hope you will allow yourself to live from a place of abundance: there is plenty of love, plenty of time, and plenty of safety in the world.  I hope you will allow the perspective you have gained recently to inform your decisions about how you cherish your family, friends, and time on this earth.  And I hope you will give yourself a break when you don’t. 

Now go and hug your kids from a place of love and abundance, not from a place of fear.  It’s a different hug, and you and your kids will feel the difference.
Shelby Riley, LMFT is the owner of Shelby Riley, LMFT and Associates, LLC.  She is currently the President of the Pennsylvania Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (PAMFT).  Remember to check out Shelby’s website www.shelbyrileymft.comfor useful information about therapy for individuals, couples, and families.

Ho.. Ho.. Healthy Holidays!

December 19, 2012

This healthy post was provided by The Chester County Hospital and Health System. Click on the link to learn more about our Nutrition and Weight Management programs.

‘Tis the season of candy canes, cookies, and chocolates galore. You’ve worked hard all year to keep your family eating healthfully – okay, maybe not the whole year – but December always seems to end on a sour note. The kids are off from school, parties pop up almost every weekend, and festivities at work add to the craziness leaving little time to worry over nutritious meals.
Finding time to eat right while fighting the urge to indulge is hard enough for mom, let alone the whole family. We know it’s not easy – that’s why we’re bringing you these tips to keep your family on track this holiday season. From make-ahead meals to kid-friendly recipes, you’ll be able to guide your family through the holidays as easy as pie!
Prepare, Prepare, Prepare!
You know December is all about the hustle and bustle, so if you can catch a day of normalcy, use it to get ready for the madness that’s just around the corner. When planning dinners, double your recipes and store extras in the freezer for easy meals on busy evenings. Try soup, lasagna, or chili to warm you up on a cold night, and relax knowing that another upcoming meal is ready to go.
Another way to prep is to pack snacks for the car. This will help you steer clear of the food court on your holiday shopping sprees and to keep the kids held over until meal time when running errands (instead of making a stop at the drive-though). Grab some whole grain crackers, dried fruit, or nuts for portable options.
Be a Mommy Role Model
Teach your kids to enjoy the treats of the season in moderation. Enjoy something special after a meal, but when the temptation hits you to go back for seconds, use this as a way to show your own self-control. “I’d love another delicious cookie too,” you’ll tell your little ones, “but let’s select something healthier for our bodies this time.” By hearing your reasoning for not overindulging, children understand why you’re making the choice – they don’t just hear “no.”
As a mom, we encourage you to select your words carefully. Try to be positive about healthy choices and not guilty about “pleasure foods.” Enjoying fun foods in moderation is great for everyone. It isn’t about making yourself or your child feel bad about themselves, but rather feeling good about the smart choices we can make. With that goal in mind, make sure there are healthy options for everyone on the table and within easy reach of little grazers.
Did you know it can take up to 20 minutes for your belly to feel full? Plant this tidbit in your children’s heads now, and remind your kids of the time it takes for their tummies to catch up when they claim they’re still hungry (and are reaching for three more cookies). It helps to eat slowly, too. Dropping these little lines helps kids be more aware of how digestion physically works and may keep them (and you) from mindlessly eating when there are scrumptious appetizers and desserts calling their names.
Get the Kids in the Kitchen
Without guidance about nutrition, children have a hard time understanding why certain foods are better choices than others. Kim Knipe, RD, LDN, Community Nutrition and Outreach Coordinator at The Chester County Hospital, recognizes the benefits of bringing your kids into the kitchen. “By inviting your children to cook with you,” she explains, “you’re able to teach them about the ingredients, the cooking process, and where their food comes from. This helps to form healthier eating habits.”
Want a healthier holiday recipe to make with your kids? Check out this recipe for Chocolate Fudge Brownie Cookies from This website is full of kid-approved recipes – it was created by Reed Alexander, who plays Nevel Papperman on iCarly, so you know they’ll be good! Your kids will love to be in the kitchen and enjoy a treat they helped to make.
Even though the holiday season is busier than any other, there are ways to combat the craziness to maintain regular eating habits. We hope that these helpful hints will keep your family afloat in the sea of delectable delicacies that make up the merry month of December.
Happy Holidays from your friends at The Chester County Hospital!
To find a doctor, visit us online or call 610.738.2300

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter (@cchosp) and Pinterest!

Cuisine to Go is HIRING!

November 26, 2012

Cuisine To Go is rapidly growing and is looking for delivery drivers. Cuisine to Go drivers are independent contractors, make their own schedule each week and are paid cash after each shift. The job entails deiveries from restaurants in Exton, West Chester, Downingtown and Frazer, so you need to enjoy driving and know back roads.

Must have a cell phone with texting capabilities and GPS.

CLICK HERE to apply. Please fill out the online application and someone from Cuisine to Go will be in contact with you shortly!

Enter to win tickets to see Carrie Underwood in Philadelphia on November 28th

November 24, 2012

Country superstar Carrie Underwood will “blow away” fans in Philadelphia on Wednesday, November 28 when she performs live at Wells Fargo Center, as part of her 2012 “The Blown Away Tour.”

We are giving ONE lucky Philly Burb Moms reader a chance to go to the concert. 

Enter below for your chance to win.