Archive for the ‘getting older isn’t fun’ Category

Not by the hair on my chinny, chin, chin….

January 27, 2010

So…The other day I had an itch on my chin. Not a normal spot for an itch, I know but, it was there so I scratched. While deep in scratch I felt a wirey stubble of a hair. I immediately ran to the mirror. Yep, there it was front and center. A. chin. hair. Ugh! I am only 29(and holding) how is this happening? I ran and got the tweezers and since it was so small I had to break out the magnifier mirror. After nicking away skin from failed frantic attempts to pluck my beard, I finally clamped onto it and pulled it out. I am glad to report that I am chin hair free now. I know this because I am totally obsessed now and look for it EVERYDAY!

Please tell me I am not the only one with chin hair. Do you think chin hair is like grey hair? Once you pluck it 2 will grow back? Am I going to be a bearded lady? Should I just sign up for the carny now?