Archive for the ‘Exton Square Mall Summer Food Drive’ Category

Exton Square Mall Summer Food Drive to benefit the Chester County Food Bank

July 12, 2010
Exton Square Mall Summer Food Drive to benefit the Chester County Food Bank
Monday July 12 – August 29, 2010.
Summer is here and kids are home from school. Some of them are out having fun, some of them are hungry. Hunger can be hard to see in Chester County….but it is there!

Right now 1 in 10 people are skipping meals due to lack of food, and that is why we are holding a SUMMER FOOD DRIVE. Our children who receive school breakfast and lunches are not eating well this summer. YOU CAN HELP. JOIN EXTON SQUARE MALL AND THE CHESTER COUNTY FOOD BANK, as we gather lunch items for kids to help the 40,000 households in Chester County that do not have enough food.

The Goal: To bring an impressive amount of food to feed children and their families in our area who are in need this summer.

Donation Location: Food Donation Bins will be located at the Customer Service Center, in the lower level of the mall near LensCrafters.

Food Needed:

Canned Juices
Juice Boxes
Spaghetti Sauce and Pasta
Canned Meats
Crackers or Cracker Packages
Snack Bags
Fruit Cups
Variety Snack Bags
Grocery Gift Cards

For more information please visit: or