Archive for the ‘delcomomsara’ Category

Traveling with Toddler: Let’s Get OUT of This Car!

July 6, 2011

I am hoping to make the most of each stop on our road trip. With each stop, I am hoping to get in the three F’s…FOOD, FUN, and a FRESH diaper. I have a box of fun things that we can do at the rest stops. I hope that it will help my toddler get some energy out of that confined body of hers.

My box of fun includes…

  • Sidewalk Chalk – at this point, she just likes to scribble and make requests for me to draw her favorite things–circles, juice boxes and balloons.
  • Bubbles – she is a big fan of bubbles and I am hoping that she will continue to chase them through multiple states.
  • Ball – most rest stops have a nice green space for little ones to run and be active. We will throw the ball and get the wiggles out.
  • Doll Stroller – It is small and takes up very little space so it seems like a good movement activity for our toddler when we pull in for a rest stop. Hopefully, it will give her the physical activity that I know she will be craving.

Sara is a kindergarten teacher who enjoys playing with her toddler, cooking new recipes and scrapbooking her photo memories.