Archive for the ‘Mom Central’ Category

Babycakes Cupcake Maker – Product Review

July 21, 2011

I have never claimed to be a very good cook but I do like to bake and baked goods are one of the few food items that I can get everyone in my family to at least try! Babycakes makes baking easy. I was asked to review their Cupcake Maker, which says that it can make 8 mini cupcakes in 5-8 minutes. So, my 3 year old and I put it to the test!

Getting all our ingredients ready.

Since I was enlisting the help of my 3 year old, we made our first test drive simple and selected a recipe in the Babycakes recipe book that uses 1/2 store bought mix along with eggs, water and oil. This also allowed me to include my son in the mixing process as we baked.

Helping Mommy mix the batter.

Using the machine was easy – we filled the batter into the cupcake cups (sans paper baking cups) and closed the lid for the 5-6 minute baking time. I’m easily distracted with a 1 and 3 year old roaming, so I used our microwave to time the baking process. I shot for 5 minutes mark just to be sure I didn’t over bake and tested with a toothpick.

Baking our Babycakes!!!

I have a tendency to overfill, and while I followed the “only 2 tbsp” per cupcake holder, I still managed to be slightly too full but not terribly. You can see I got a bit heavy handed with the top cupcakes which are a bit browner and was more conservative on the first 3 at the bottom. 🙂

Our first batch.

I mentioned that I didn’t use the paper baking cups. I did so because 1) I didn’t have any in the mini size and 2) I promised the boys we would make them before discovering my said lack of the mini size and they were not too into going out in 95+ degree weather at that point! So, this provided me with the perfect opportunity to see what the clean up would be like. As you can see, after 3 batches, there was a bit of a mess to clean up.

The leftovers to clean.

Turns out, cleaning this mess was easy. I used an old burp cloth since it wasn’t as big as a kitchen towel and allowed me to get into the nooks and crannies. I’d say it took me about 1/4 of a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episode to clean out thoroughly using only some water.

A happy customer!

Even though he was too little to help mix and pour, my littlest man is more than happy to be a taste tester!

My overall impression of the Babycakes Cupcake Maker is that it is a great multi-functional machine. In addition to making cupcakes, you can definitely think outside the box with the Babycakes cupcake maker. Pies, scones, brownies, muffins… all with one machine. I would probably stick to the old way of making a big batch of cupcakes, but if you are looking for just a few for a small playdate, this is perfect. I also believe that this is a great machine to try to experiment with something you normally wouldn’t make (scones, anyone?). For our next neighborhood gathering I’ll try little strawberry cheesecakes for the adults and brownie bites for the kids!

*Disclosure: I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Babycakes and received a product sample and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.

Small Steps to a Healthier You

February 8, 2011
February has completely crept up on me and I have no idea how that happened.  I’m generally not one for making resolutions for the new year, and this year was no different.  However, I will say that I have tried to make some changes in my life to become healthier.  Not sure that qualifies as “New Year’s Resolution” but it’s close.  It’s something my family and I have been working on for several months now.  Maybe my resolution is to continue to try to be healthy any way I can.  With two little ones at home that’s about all I can manage at this point, but I think it is a good starting point! 
I’ll admit that when I first got married, I slipped into that comfort zone of eating what my husband ate.  This led to eating not only WHAT but also HOW MUCH.  Ouch.  That was not good for the waistline.  Then came pregnancies only 18 months apart and well, that waistline could really use some help now!  I found that I needed to craft little ways to help myself.  I knew with it being cold outside and having two little ones, I wasn’t getting much “me” time to hit a gym or go on a speed walk.  So, this is what I’ve done for the short term, and I am going to try to add to it as I can (and as the kids get older!):
Smaller portions.  We all hear about how our portion size in this country is completely out of whack.   Well, my husband has started this and I am following suit.  We eat our cereal in a smaller “desert” bowl.  The same goes for dinners as well, we try to scrap the big dinner plates in lieu of some smaller appetizer sized plates.  I can’t say I always walk away from the table stuffed, but I definitely am eating my fill and am no longer hungry.

Less Packaging.  It’s so easy to pick up some fast food, or grab that pre-made sandwich at the store, but that just adds extra food and/or calories that I really don’t need.  Do I really need the glob of mayo the store put on that sandwich, or would a small bit of mustard have done the trick?  So, we’re started to eat out less and trying to make more things at home (I’m even going to try my hand at making wheat bread – but that is an entirely different post!).
Get moving.  I mentioned before about the toddler and nearly preschooler I have, right?  Yeah, we’re in the stages (respectively) of hating the stroller and wanting to run away from Mommy.  So, you see, we don’t get out much.  Add to that this crazy weather we have had and, well, Mama has been indoors. A lot. So, to buck this trend, I am trying to make it a goal to have somewhere to be once a day.  It can be a run to the grocery store, or a walk across the street to a neighbor’s house for a playdate – but we need to get walking!  Hopefully with Spring coming this will be an easier task!

Help from other Moms. Have you seen Montco Mom’s newest contributors?  There are some great tips in both our new columns Fitting in Fitness and Mission Nutrition.  Sometimes it just takes a little reminder from one of these posts to be inspired by some of the easy things a mom can do to get healthy. 
Maybe next year I will coin my “get healthy aspirations” as a New Year’s Resolution.   Or, maybe I’ll just stick with taking small steps to a healthier me as I can.  After all, every little bit helps!

So, Chesco Moms… what small steps are you taking to be healthier?  We’d love to hear!

We’d love for you to share details about the Dannon Sweepstakes with your readers, which can be found at Also, we would really appreciate you discussing any small steps that you and your family are talking to live a healthier life.

Disclosure:“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Dannon and received a coupon and gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

Review: Personality in Your PJs

December 7, 2010
I was first asked to take a quick quiz to find out which PJ fit my personality. You can also find out what your PJ Personality is by taking the personality quiz. After taking the quiz, I found my personality style is Classic. And, just in time for the holidays, I was sent some festively red jersey Personality PJs!

I remember I used to have such cute PJs, matching flannel shirts with shorts and those long nightshirts. When I was pregnant with my first son, that seemed to go downhill. With a growing belly, I started wearing cotton sports shorts and my husbands extra large tshirts. Two years, and two kids later, my general nightly attire has not changed (well, I might wear some of my husbands large tshirts in addition to those extra larges ones). So, when Mom Central asked if I wanted to try out Soma Intimates new Personality PJs, it was a great reason for me to shed my husbands clothes for something that fits, well, my personality!

When I opened the package I immediately noticed how soft the Personality PJs are. I received a button down shirt and pants, in a classic style. The PJs have some accent white and red polka dot ribbing to give it just a little extra style. I have had some jersey fabrics before that shrank when I washed them, but the Soma Intimates Personality PJs washed very well and the red stayed nice and vibrant as well. And yes, they are still oh-so-soft!

Personality PJs are available in supremely soft jersey and satin fabrics in an array of prints and colors in sizes XS-XL. If you are looking for a fun and personal gift for the holidays, you might want check them out!

*Disclosure: I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Soma Intimates and received a pair of Personality PJs to thank me for taking the time to participate.

Hickory Farms Sampler: Our Thanksgiving Meal Kickoff

November 28, 2010

Do you pass those great kiosks in the mall for Hickory Farms? I do and they always have such yummy looking food displayed oh-so-nicely. My parents tend to buy the samplers as gifts for co-workers or for holiday parties, so I have been familiar with the brand for quite some time. I have just never had the opportunity to stop and purchase one myself – but that will soon change!

I was selected for a Blog Tour from Mom Central for the Beef Hickory Sampler Gift Box. My husband was over the moon that I would be getting a sampler that had anything that “had previously moo’d”, as he likes to say. The timing of the blog tour was perfect as I was set to host our first Thanksgiving in our new home this year, complete with Uncles and Grandparents. Now I had hors d’oeuvres to serve – YAY! Our sampler included: Hickory Farms Summer Sausage and mustard, creamy cheese, crackers and a spread to tie it all together.

The Packaging.  I love that Hickory Farms uses paper filler rather than peanuts or plastic bubbles for its packaging.  It certainly helps the environment, but also provides a nice overall look to the packaging as well.  

The Food.  As I mentioned, we hosted Thanksgiving this year and I planned on using the Hickory Farms Sampler as our hors d’oeuvres.  Well, everyone knew I had the sampler and were definitely waiting for us to serve it!   My husband, father and brother-in-law were all about the sausages.  I must admit, I loved the turkey sausage with the sweet hot mustard dip.  Mmmm.  My son was also very much into the cheddar cheese – I think he ate half the brick (note to self: make sure the hubs is around to change that diaper!). Overall, the sampler was a great hit and definitely added a little something for our pre-Thanksgiving eating pleasure! 

As a hostess, the Hickory Farms Sampler was such an easy, yummy pleasure to provide to my guests.  It is something I am definitely going to keep in mind when I am a party guest!

*Disclosure: I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Hickory Farms and received a signature gift box from Hickory Farms to thank me for taking the time to participate.

REVIEW: Diaper Genie II Elite v. Munchkin Arm & Hammer Pail

June 28, 2010

As I mentioned in my previous post, Mom Central provided me the opportunity to test drive two different diaper pails. The first was the Diaper Genie II Elite and the second was the Munchkin Arm & Hammer Diaper Pail. I was to alternate the pails each week and comment on the use and functionality of each. Here is my wrap-up post!

Diaper Genie II Elite Recap


  1. This sleek diaper pail has a very nice look to it. It’s tall and slender physique almost makes it look less diaper pail-esque. It’s still a diaper pail, but it just looks a bit more ‘clean’ while standing in the corner of the room.
  2. My toddler still has yet to figure out how to open the diaper pail, a nice change from trash cans that he conquered months ago and shown me the evidence all over the first floor of the house.
  3. Foot pedal operated to open. How nice is this feature? The hands-free opening of the pail is really godsend some days. I think this is my favorite feature!
  4. This is one tall can. I’m not a tall lady, but even I get a bit tired of bending down to put a diaper in a pail. I can only imagine taller people really enjoying this feature, but I’d rank this as my number 2 favorite feature of this pail!
  5. Odor Control. The first week I reviewed this product I swear I couldn’t smell a thing. I still think the diaper pail is good at odor control, but it’s not as spotless as it was that first week. If there is a doosey of a diaper in there, when you open the pail you know it. However, I couldn’t really smell the offensive materials inside while the pail was closed.


  1. You do have to find the cartridge replacement bags for this pail. I prefer using something that is more readily available, like a trashbag I already have in house.
  2. I do find the lid gets stuck every now and again. This might be a bit of user-error when I reset the lid on the can, but it is something I encountered a handful of times.

Overall, the functionality of this pail is great. It’s easy to use and hands-free operated, contains the smell and looks rather sleek. I’d give this as a shower gift without hesitation!

Munchkin Arm & Hammer Diaper Pail Recap


  1. This diaper pail looks pretty much like your typical diaper pail. It’s a bit short and stocky, but not obtrusive in the room.
  2. Loved that it came fully assembled. That’s one less thing I had to worry about getting set up!
  3. Bag inserts are easy to replace. They even fold to close in the stinky diapers contained within. I hadn’t realized that the first time I used the pail, and I took out the bag without snapping it shut and couldn’t figure out why they would design the product that way. Turns out, I didn’t realize that they snapped in all those odors and I was pleasantly surprised at how much it really did contain the odor!
  4. Arm & Hammer. Great for baking, refrigerators and diaper pails! Love that there is a replaceable container built into the lid and I can fill it with my own box of Arm & Hammer (or generic version) when needed. I also love that a little bit of the white magic goes into the can each time it closes, just a little added odor containment with each diaper change!


  1. It’s short and I have to open the pail with two hands. I know, sounds trivial, but after trying the hands-free and taller pail, it does seem like a shortcoming I didn’t realize I needed!
  2. The pail door to remove the diapers is rather flimsy. It took my toddler no time at all to realize how to open that door. I’m actually amazed that he didn’t break the door, so I supposed that is a positive to that item.

I think the Diaper Genie II Elite fits my needs more than the Arm & Hammer Diaper Pail. I might try adding my own Arm & Hammer to the Diaper Genie’s bags as I really did love that feature.

For more information on Diaper Genie, please visit the Playtex Baby website.
For more information on the Arm & Hammer Diaper Pail, please visit the Munchkin website.

“I am a member of the Mom Central community and I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central, sponsored by Diaper Genie, and received a free Diaper Genie diaper pail and a free Munchkin Arm & Hammer diaper pail to facilitate my review.”

Diaper Genie II Elite…The Good, The bad and The Smelly!

June 10, 2010
The Good, The Bad and The Smelly!

With two children under 2 years old, we go through our fair share of diapers. When my first son, Cbear, was born I would individually wrap each diaper in one of those scented disposable bags (go ahead, laugh… but you know you did some out there things too with your first!). Not that newborn diapers smell all that much, but I was crazy about odor control and diaper disposal. As he grew, and the diaper size became larger and it’s contents stinkier, I ditched the bags and started putting them in the regular trash can which also had scented bags. I just never found a diaper pail that fit our needs so I just dealt with things as they came.

Flash forward 19 months and Bbear is now with us. I now have two kids in diapers and goodness knows I didn’t want to stink up the kitchen with all those treasures! It was great timing to be asked by Mom Central to ‘test drive’ two diaper pails, the Diaper Genie II Elite and the Munchkin Arm & Hammer Diaper pail. I’ve been using the Diaper Genie for a full week now and boy have things changed! We love it!

The diaper pails

Upon arrival, the Diaper Genie does need to be put together. Nothing too difficult, just snapping the top and bottom pieces together. I did have a little difficulty lining it up, but nothing too prohibitive.

Contestant #1

The Diaper Genie II Elite has a canister that is inserted in the top of the pail. The user ties the open end of the bag and pull it through to the bottom of the Diaper Genie. Close the lid and you are set to use! Place the diaper in the top of the pail, and let the Genie pull it through to the bag below.

Ease of Use
My most favorite feature of the Diaper Genie II Elite is the fact that the pail itself is hands free. So, while holding 4 month old little Bbear in one arm, the diaper in the other AND trying to block Cbear from whatever he is trying to get to, I am able to step on the foot pedal and open the pail to dispose of their ‘business’. When the bag is full, simply open the canister, use the child-proof cutting too inside, tie off and you are set! I will say, sometimes when I empty the bag I have a little problem resetting the lid, but I get it in a moment.

Contestant #2
Odor Control
I’ve heard horror stories of pails that just do not keep the odor in. It’s one of the reasons why I had originally skipped purchasing one myself nearly two years ago. I have been very surprised with how well the Diaper Genie II Elite has contained the contents within. Most of our diaper changes are on the main floor of the house, so for now we have the pail in the living room (oh, you know you’ve done this too!). I have yet to smell the pail while sitting in the living room.

Overall Experience
I’m very impressed with the Diaper Genie II Elite thus far. I would give this pail 5 out of 5 stars.

For more information on Diaper Genie, please visit the Playtex Baby website. Also, stay tuned for our next review of the Munchkin Arm & Hammer Diaper Pail coming soon!

“I am a member of the Mom Central community and I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central, sponsored by Diaper Genie, and received a free Diaper Genie diaper pail and a free Munchkin Arm & Hammer diaper pail to facilitate my review.”

Handy Manny Big Race will air from 7:00 – 7:30 PM on Saturday, March 20 (Twitter Party Invite)

March 20, 2010

Big news! On Saturday, March 20th the “Handy Manny” gang will prepare for the Wood Valley 500 in the brand new primetime special, Handy Mandy Big Race and Mom Central is holding a Twitter Party to Celebrate! Join the gals at Mom Central between 6:30 and 7:30 PM on Saturday, March 20th, using the hashtag #HandyMannyBigRace and to chat about Handy Manny and share your feedback as the show airs live and have a chance to win great Handy Manny prizes!

As the Mom of any preschooler can attest, keeping up with little ones’ endless amounts of energy and constant need for activities can prove challenging at times. Fun and engaging programs like Playhouse Disney’s “Handy Manny” give us Moms the opportunity to cuddle up and spend some quality time learning and relaxing together while keeping preschoolers entertained!

On Twitter, the Mom Central gals will be talking to Moms about how you keep up with your preschooler’s unending energy and how shows like Handy Manny play a role. Do you have a Handy Manny fan in your house? What makes the program a hit with your little one? We’ll also be tweeting during the premiere of Handy Manny Big Race and would love to get your feedback as the show airs!


How do I join the conversation?

Visit and tweet using the hashtag #HandyMannyBigRace. Mom Central moderators will help guide the conversation with fun questions and giveaways.

Who are the moderators? Stacy Debroff (@MomCentral) along with Mom Central staffers Amy (@AmyJo917), Camilla (@retecki) and Elizabeth (@ejchapin) will be on hand to guide the discussion and chat with participants. Make sure you’re following them before the party starts!

How do I follow the conversation? Use the hashtag #HandyMannyBigRace to follow along. To help keep up with the conversation, we suggest that you follow the hashtag by
Setting up a #HandyMannyBigRace search on or on your twitter program (e.g. TweetDeck or Twirl)

If you have any questions about following along or participating on Twitter…please feel free to shoot us an email (