Archive for the ‘Thomas and Friends’ Category

Field Trip Friday: Donna from Spends a Day Out with Thomas the Train.

June 28, 2013
This past Saturday, my family and I got up early, despite the fact that we got to bed really late on Friday night, for none other than a Day Out with Thomas.  You see, Thomas the Train is on his “Go, Go Thomas Tour 2013.”  Quite the reason for sleepy little ones to rub their eyes and get their sleepy little bums out of bed and get going as we yelled “all aboard”  to get into the car. 

When we got to the Strasburg Railroad in Lancaster (Route 741 East, Strasburg, PA) mid-morning and it was perfect weather for a train ride.  The kids were thrilled to see Thomas, himself and life-sized, ride by as we were getting our tickets, complete with moving eyes.  So cool!

We waited to jump on-board for our own ride upon Thomas.  When our time came shortly after, the kids giddily hopped aboard grabbing their window seats, but as I climbed aboard I was more enthralled with the beauty of the car we were in.  Nice plush velvety seats, chandeliers hung from the roof and pretty green glass lined up along the top of the train, below the roof.  So much nicer than that plastic/metal train we always ride into New York.  This was a ride with style! 

On the ride Thomas came over the speaker and spoke to the kids, as well as a narrator to give a brief story.  For the amount of children that were on the train you could hear a pin drop.  Every single one of them was intently listening and looking out at the window at the beautiful fields surrounding them.

After getting off the train, there is a 10-minute time slot to get in line and take a picture with Thomas.  If you are thinking, “Well then what?”  Think again.  There is plenty to do after the ride.  Kids can take a picture with Sir Tophamm Hat, ride a small hand-pedaled train on a track, play in a tent set up with dozens of train tables; get tons of free Thomas tattoos to go around and take a cranky car ride.  (Think watching an old railroad movie with two people cranking the lever on each side strolling down the track–it is work!.)

The tour is over for June, but don’t fret, in September they will be back the 14-22 and November 22-24 .  If you look on the link above you can even buy your tickets now.  It is a fun family day and I must say from a parent point-of-view; Thomas is a VERY useful engine.  He kept the kiddos entertained for the better part of the day.

About the Author:  Donna runs a fashion/lifestyle blog called Bella Perfectionista, as well as a communication company called BellaLu Communications.  You can check out her blog here and follow her on Facebook or @bellaperfection on Twitter.

Thomas and Friends: Thomas in Charge DVD Review + Giveaway

July 6, 2011

My sons, ages 3 and 1, spend most of their time playing at the train table with cars and trains. We were lucky enough to have a friend provide us with many tracks and engines so the boys can play “Choo-choo” as long and as often as they wish. They have really enjoyed any and all things trains, and Thomas typically at the forefront of their play.

We’ve been watching the Thomas & Friends show on television and it just captivates the attention of both boys. The stories always seem to have a great lesson to share and yet are short enough that it can render my otherwise rambunctious kids immobile for a good 10 minutes. I also like that our FiOS On Demand channel bundles 3 episodes in one, so if I need that little bit of extra time to fold clothes or prep dinner, I have it!

I was offered to do a review (and yes, GIVEAWAY) of the new Thomas & Friends™: Thomas in Charge DVD and considering our train obsession, it was a no brainer! I never knew that Thomas the Tank Engine was created by a father for his son over 65 years ago. There is something about that tidbit of information that makes me like Thomas stories more, and supports why Thomas is enjoyed by so many families in a multitude of languages around the world.

The DVD includes 4 adventures for Thomas and Friends, as well as the addition of Mr. Perkins between each segment. The episodes focus on Thomas and his friends preparing for the Railway Inspector’s visit to Knapford Station. There are a number of mishaps along the way and Thomas must somehow take charge to resolve the mess! Episodes include: · “Thomas in Charge” · “Henry’s Good Deeds” · “O The Indignity” · “A Blooming Mess”.

Thomas is now in a more modern animation format and the departure from the usual TV show production was quite apparent to me – but the kids didn’t seem to notice. However, my change-adverse 3 year old wasn’t too fond of the Mr. Perkins segments when we watched the DVD the first time. The segments are short and I thought they were cute, but I think the fact that it was a real actor and not animated threw him off. We have since re-watched the DVD he has warmed up to Driver Dan and awaits his appearances with the drums.

In addition to some of the road trip games, this DVD is definitely going to come in handy on several road trips we have planned!

The Lionsgate and HIT Entertainment DVD is available July 12th on DVD, Digital Download and On Demand and will retail for about $15.00.

Mandatory Entry: Simply enter your information in the form below for your chance to win.
Bonus Entry: if you are a fan of Chester County Moms on facebook, fill out the form a 2nd time for a bonus entry!

*Disclosure: I was provided a free copy of this product for review in exchange for this post. The sponsor is responsible for shipping prize to winner. All opinions expressed are my own, yours may differ.