Archive for the ‘Chevy Traverse’ Category

It Finally Feels Like Fall in Philly (say that 3 times fast!)

November 12, 2010

Now that it is early November, the temperatures here in the Philly ‘Burbs are finally starting to feel Fall-like. It took a while to get here, but it’s officially chilly in the mornings as we try to get our oldest daughter to the bus stop and our youngest daughter to preschool.

There’s a little bit of a problem with that, though. Let’s first just say that mornings aren’t always my favorite part of the day. Let’s then also say that being cold isn’t my favorite way to feel either. When it’s early in the morning and I am chilly, Mama just isn’t happy.

Enter my 2011 Chevy Traverse with the Remote Start feature. It is seriously my favorite feature of the car! About 5 minutes before we leave for our morning adventures, I open my garage door, hit the remote start buttons, and the car has started as easily as that. I smile to myself knowing that I will soon be able to get into a car that is not only warm, but has heated seats as well! I am sure that if you follow me on Twitter (@PhilaburbanMom) you are probably well aware of my love for the Remote Start feature as I may have talked about it 2 or 3 mornings in a row this week there!

If you want to test drive the Traverse and all of it’s awesome features including the Remote Start for yourself, visit one of the Philadelphia Area Chevrolet Dealers near you. And, don’t forget, that if you test drive a Traverse in the month of November, you will receive a $40 Spa Finder gift card! Nice car, Nice perk…. You can’t beat that deal!

For much more information on the Chevy Traverse, the experiences that I am having as part of the Philly Moms Time Out program, as well as the experiences of my fellow Chevy Moms Squad bloggers check out the Philly Moms Time Out website!

*Disclosure: Philadelphia Area Chevrolet Dealers have loaned me a 2011 Chevy Traverse for one month and are sending me on missions in the car along with the necessary gift cards in order to do so.

How does a trip to Jamaica sound? 4 night trip for 2! Enter now for your chance to win a fabulous getaway.

November 7, 2010

How does a trip to Jamaica sound? 4 night trip for 2! Enter now for your chance to win a fabulous getaway. Any when your done entering the contest take a peek at Chesco Mom Shannon’s Chevy Mom Squad Video.

Click here to visit Philly Moms time Out to
Enter the Contest

* This is not a Chesco Mom contest.. this contest is managed by Philly’s Moms Time Out.

Rocking my "Soccer Mom" status in STYLE!

November 2, 2010

Last week was one amazing week for this Philadelphia-based mommy blogger! For one glorious, wonderful month, I get a much needed break from my soccer-mom-mobile! Now, don’t get me wrong, my minivan has served it’s purpose in our family, but I AM THRILLED for the opportunity to try out the Chevy Traverse with it’s similar passenger hauling capabilities to our minivan, but with MUCH more styling and amenities! How do I get to try out a brand new Traverse, you ask?

On Wednesday morning, my husband and my youngest daughter escorted me to the CBS 3 studios for a Launch Event to kick off Chevy’s Philly Mom’s Time Out program. This program, put together thanks to the Philadelphia Area Chevrolet Dealers, is giving a 2011 Chevy Traverse to 5 area Mom Bloggers to test drive for an entire month! We’re being given these vehicles to experience as busy moms and share our perceptions of how a car like the Traverse can help an active family on-the-go.

Joined by my fellow Mom’s Time Out Mom Squad members Danielle, Debra, Jacqui, and Kim, we spent some time getting acquainted with all of the bells and whistles that our Traverses would “WOW” us with. Then it was time to head upstairs to the Talk Philly studios where we were interviewed by none other than Philly’s beloved Pat Ciarrocchi. Click here for a clip of our interview!

Over the next 4 weeks, Chevy will be sending us on various missions to see how the Traverse can work in a busy family’s lifestyle. I am really excited to put this baby to the test with my 2 kids, our dog, our various errands, class schedules, school dropoffs, my busy work schedule and living our fun, if not a little chaotic lives!

A special thank you to Kelly Chevrolet in Phoenixville, PA where my Traverse (that nice looking one pictured above!) is being loaned from. These folks have been so accommodating and attentive to every detail that our busy family needs and we’ve really appreciated all of their care and support!

Come back regularly this month and see how the Traverse is working for us and also learn more about some great sweepstakes that Chevy has lined up for you to tale part in!

*Disclosure: Philadelphia Area Chevrolet Dealers have loaned me a 2011 Chevy Traverse for one month and are sending me on missions in the car along with the necessary gift cards in order to do so.