Archive for the ‘hats’ Category

Summer Girly Playdate: Ice Cream Tea Party!

July 13, 2013
Playing Pass the Hat

I love summer break, in a “fill it with fun memories and don’t ever allow us to utter the word BORED” kinda way.  So, aside from spending quality time with the wee-ones, which is awesome, we also love the perk of summer foods.  Grilling, s’mores, and best of all, ICE CREAM!

On Friday, July 12, the girls had six of their friends over for a tea party.  The little ladies all arrived in their finest dresses, excited to have their first real tea party!  Thanks to Mommy Parties, we were sent an adorable tea set and fabulously fun hats!  But the best thing to arrive in the mail, maybe e-v-e-r, Blue Bunny’s Cadbury Ice Cream bars!  No lie!  On my door step was a box packed with dry ice and 32 ice cream bars.  Did you even know that Blue Bunny ice cream teamed up with Cadbury chocolates?  I didn’t!  What an awesome arrangement…. for my taste buds.  🙂

The table is set and ready to go!

After our party attendants were all here, we played our first game.  Much like “Hot Potato”, only it was “Pass the Hat”.  The girls sat in a circle and when the music began, they passed the hat to the next m’lady.  It kept going around until the music stopped and the girly holding the hat had to wear it.  We didn’t have anyone go out, no room for tears or tantrums during this tea party!  They loved it and giggled each time a friend put the giant hat on.

Can you hear the fancy accent?

We then gathered in the dining room for our first course of the tea party.  The girls found their name on their place card, then were super excited to pick up their hat from their seat, and sat down.  We served raspberry lemonade, but called it tea.  They had several servings!  I also made tea sandwiches that were kid friendly- cream cheese and cucumber along with ham and cheddar cheese.  After everyone was finished with their mini-meal, we played our second game- a Teaspoon Race!  For the Teaspoon Race I had two bowls of sugar cubes behind two lines that the girls had formed (side note- a box of over 100 costs less than $2, I had no idea they were that inexpensive!).  The object was to use a spoon and balance one sugar cube on the spoon and race it to the bowl placed across the room.  The game ended when the sugar cubes were all successfully transferred to the other bowl.  This was a favorite game for everyone, especially my “big boned” pug who we learned enjoys sugar cubes.

Playing Teaspoon Race game

Eating her tea sandwich

Following the Teaspoon Race, the girls were ready for their special treats!  They sat back at the dining room table, sipped some “tea” and were given an ice cream bar.  The choices were decadent!  I offered Cadbury Royal Dark (Creamy Blue Bunny reduced fat vanilla ice cream dipped in thick, rich Cadbury Royal Dark chocolate coating), Cadbury English Toffee (Creamy Blue Bunny reduced fat vanilla ice cream dipped in thick, rich Cadbury milk coating with toffee pieces), Cadbury Caramello (Creamy Blue Bunny reduced fat vanilla ice cream swirled with caramel sauce all dipped in thick, rich Cadbury milk chocolaty coating) and Cadbury Vanilla Chocolate (Creamy Blue Bunny reduced fat vanilla ice cream dipped in thick, rich Cadbury milk chocolaty coating).  Most girls enjoyed, thoroughly, the Vanilla Chocolate bars.  The other favorite was the Caramello, but I think the mommies all dove into the Dark bars with pure delight!

Fancy hat fun!

After the delicious dessert, the girls ran to our playroom and continued playing dress up, running, giggling, and saying how much they loved having a tea party.  **Social experiment, do all little girls suddenly become old British ladies when they sit down to have a tea party social?  Regardless, it was fun!  And adorable!  And memorable!!!!  Highly recommended for a different summer activity.

The tea party attendants

 Disclosure:  I was given free ice cream, hats and fascinators, and tea set as part of a promotional program with Cadbury and MommySelect in exchange for my honest review.  As you can see, the mommies had just as much fun as the lil’ ladies!  So free or not, we’ll be having an ice cream tea party again!