Archive for the ‘getting fit’ Category

Chesco Moms Introduce Dragon Gym in Exton & a Fantastic Offer on Martial Arts Classes

April 1, 2011

Recently, Sarah and I had the pleasure of meeting the team at the Dragon Gym in Exton. We were really excited to meet with them and find out more about their business. Both of us pass by Dragon Gym on Whitford Road on an almost daily basis, but neither of us had ever stepped inside or been introduced to all of the services they provide there.

Co-Owners Som Sikdar and Lonnie Beck started by sharing their personal connections to Dragon Gym with us. Both men have been doing martial arts at this same Dragon Gym since they were young children, giving them a vast pool of experience to draw from. Due to the years of training at The Dragon Gym, you immediately get a sense of their deep commitment and passion not only for martial arts and fitness, but for the community of people that are members at Dragon Gym.

If you are looking for a quality martial arts program for any member of your family, Dragon Gym has programs for ages 3 up to 103! Taught by highly trained, advanced belt instructors, kids and adults alike will gain new physical skills as well as master leadership and respect.

With a unique blend of both martial arts and fitness offerings, members can practice several different disciplines at Dragon Gym in order to maximize the variety in their workouts. Dragon Gym has RKC certified instructors in their Russian Kettlebells program and they also offer very popular Kickboxing classes to round out your exercise routine. They also have a full time, highly trained Strength and Conditioning Coach on staff (who also has been at Dragon Gym since he was young) to give you personal training and help you discover the healthiest “you” possible. The trainer does fitness evaluations, creates workout plans, measures progress, and also mentors people on their nutrition goals as well. Click here for more information on the Dragon Gym Performance Lab.

Check out my interview with Co-owner Lonnie …. you’ll see why we were so impressed with the Dragon Gym team, the services they provide and the outreach that they do in the community, including a Bully Prevention seminar that they are working with West Chester Area School District on.

Dragon Gym would love to introduce you to their services and their spacious facility as well!

Dragon Gym offers a Free Orientation for all prospective members. Following your free orientation, prospective members are invited to do a Quick Start to Confidence Program where you are given one on one instruction and coaching to properly integrate you into the program. After the Quick Start program is complete, the student can begin classes.

The Quick Start to Confidence Course is $59 and includes your Martial Arts Uniform. As an EXCLUSIVE offer for Chester County Moms’ readers, they would like to offer a 67% discount on their Quick Start Course and provide it to you for only $19!

This is a great, low-risk way to get to know the philosophy, the instructors, and the facility at Dragon Gym. Just be sure to make sure that you tell them that you saw the offer on Chester County Moms in order to get your discount!

If you want to learn more about Dragon Gym, check out their website. You can also follow them on the following social media outlets as well:

And, you’ll want to stay tuned for more fun posts about Dragon Gym …… Shannon has taken on a really fun project with them that we’ll start blogging about soon!

WHAT a workout!

November 20, 2009
I just had my Biggest Loser moment right here in Chester County. Tennis Addiction Sports Club is welcoming Rachael Sokolic to our training and fitness staff. She is a certified personal trainer, a Dietician and has a degree in Nutrition and Food Studies from New York University. She is Chester County’s and now Tennis Addiction’s version of Jillian Michaels.

I just had the opportunity to train with her this morning at the club and I really thought I was in an episode of the Biggest Loser getting ready for my last chance workout. If I had to weigh in I am sure I lost a pound in just that workout. I thought I was in pretty good shape, but boy oh boy my eyes are open now and I have a ton of work to do.
The workout program was all about Plyometric Training, which is high intensity training techniques to develop strength and speed. We only used our own body weight no free weights or bars. I am told that the exercise are great for athletes – Tennis anyone… We worked hard and fast for a shorter period of time which is great for all us busy moms. I loved that the most of all. Rachael told me that she had a client do the plyometric training 3 times a week for 2 weeks and the result was a 6 pound weight loss. My answer – sign me up, I would love to get back to my pre-baby (2 kids) fighting weight. She also told me that during the holiday’s the average person gains 7 pounds. That just makes me sick. (I want the number on the scale to go down not up) Well, this holiday season that is NOT going to be me.
If anyone out there is feeling that there workout routine is stale and they need a jump start stop by Tennis Addiction in Exton to meet Rachael.