Archive for the ‘1st Annual DVCCC Extreme Shelter Makeover’ Category

1st Annual DVCCC Extreme Shelter Makeover

April 11, 2011

For 35 years, the DVCCC has provided intervention, education, outreach, advocacy and programs to prevent, reduce and remedy domestic violence in Chester County. The DVCCC is committed to empowering survivors of domestic abuse through information, and supporting them as they reclaim their lives. Most importantly, the agency has provided a haven; a home for abused women and children fleeing domestic violence.

As with our own homes, upkeep is vitally important.

Hundreds of wonderful groups and individuals have given their time and talent to the agency over the years, accomplishing a great deal.

Most of the needs of the physical buildings though, are back –burnered given time and budget constraints. Active client involvement keeps everyone very busy every single day leaving little time for sprucing up.
Many, many jobs get set aside as these very dedicated employees give first attention to the never ending stream of clients who seek their help. Some of these wish list items are changes to clients’ living areas, making their stay with us more comfortable.
We thought it would be a huge boost to the staff and administration to have all or nearly all of their TO-DO list items tackled in a single week!

That’s where you come in!
For one entire week, “Friends” of the DVCCC will volunteer anywhere between 9:00AM and 9:00 PM and start, continue and/or finish a huge list of projects. Skilled and unskilled workers, DVCCC trained and untrained, Board members, interns, staff members, past clients, donors…….anyone who wants to help.

When : April 18-23rd 9:00 AM to 9:00PM
Where: Shelter Properties
Who: Any skilled or unskilled volunteer willing to give ANY amount of time
Why: To improve and enhance the housing facilities and administration offices.
What: We will, paint, landscape, construct, reorganize, clean, beautify.

Donations will be solicited. If you or your company can contribute financially to buy paint, curtain rods, shades, lumber, decorative items etc.
You do not have to donate to participate though. Your time is a priceless commodity.

If you or your group can help us during any part of the week, please contact Lisa at DVCCC to discuss how you can help.