Archive for the ‘Mom Sends the MSG’ Category

Calling ALL PA Moms! It’s time for you to SEND THE MSG!!

December 8, 2009
Calling all PA Moms!

It’s time for you to Send the Msg:

Stop distracted driving in Pennsylvania!
We’ve got a bill in PA that would ban texting and driving but it is sitting in committee. We need to get the PA moms behind this to tell our lawmakers it has to be made into law!
I just know the moms can do this.

OK, everyone – we have a job to do! …..In Pennsylvania, a banning texting and talking on hand-held phones while driving bill has passed the Transportation Committee and it now sits in Appropriations awaiting a full House vote.
What on earth are Pennsylvania’s lawmakers waiting for? As each hour ticks by, texting drivers continue to travel the roads of Pennsylvania essentially with blindfolds on.
This must stop.

Why? Just ask Jacy Good, a 21 year-old from Lititz, PA who lost BOTH her parents to a distracted driver. It’s an awful story but could happen to any of us — Jacy and her parents were driving home together from Jacy’s college graduation when they were hit, killing Mr. and Mrs. Good and putting Jacy in a coma.

Pennsylvania moms, we know what we need to do:

1) Rep. Eugene DePasquale, who represents the 95th district, and Rep. Josh Shapiro have been working tirelessly on this cause for years. In fact, Rep. DePasquale has a petition we need to sign that urges Pennsylvania lawmakers to pass this important legislation against distracted driving. PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION HERE.

2) Please urge your legislators to pass the bill and make it a law. To find out who your legislators are in the Pennsylvania General Assembly, go here: and call them or send them an email demanding they pass the ban on distracted driving in Pennsylvania!

3) Put a link to this post on your Facebook, Tweet it and blog it. SPREAD THE WORD!

4) Sign the Mom Sends the Msg Pledge to “Keep your Mind on the Wheel!”

We look forward to hearing you story, too. If you have a Pennsylvania distracted driving story, comment or question post in the comments below. Thanks everyone, looks like it’s up to the moms to Send the Msg and get that bill passed into law.

PS. Please remember – SIGN THE PETITION URGING PA LAWMAKERS TO BAN DISTRACTED DRIVING (it only takes a second to sign)!

I’m taking the PLEDGE!

October 8, 2009
Did you know that “distracted driving” can be more dangerous that driving drunk? Pretty sobering thought, isn’t it? It was for me… and I’ll tell you why. Just 3 short weeks ago, if you talked to me about distracted driving or texting while driving, I would have told you that I NEVER, EVER would do that! However, after my recent purchase of a shiny new iPhone which has opened up a whole new world of “staying connected”, I can quite guiltily admit that I have been distracted while driving these last few weeks MANY more times than I’d like to admit. I knew it wasn’t smart, but when I read about the “Mom Sends the MSG” campaign, it smacked me back into reality…. thankfully. Driving distracted can hurt someone … my beloved children, myself, or someone else. It’s irresponsible and certainly not the behavior that I want to model for my kids.

So, what is the “Mom Sends the MSG” campaign? The fantastic women over at have launched the “Mom Sends the MSG” campaign to ask people to model safe driving habits and to make a pledge to stop driving while distracted! We are honored to partner with them to help spread the word about this critically important message.

Here is what the “Keep Your Mind on the Wheel” Pledge is all about:

Our Pledge

Driving while distracted can be more dangerous than driving drunk.

As moms, we want safer roads.

We know the time has come for us all to recognize the risks of distracted driving, to be more responsible and to mind the wheel.

Here is what we pledge:

We pledge to model safe behavior when we drive.

We pledge to set firm house rules on texting and phoning while driving.

We pledge to help spread the word on the dangers of distracted driving.

Here is what we ask for:

We ask for the dangers of distracted driving to be included in drivers’ education classes.

We ask for innovations in technology to help solve the problem.

We ask for laws to make it illegal to text and drive.

We ask for enforcement of existing distracted driving laws and consequences when the laws are broken.

By working together we will make everyone safer.

Please head over to the Mom Sends the MSG site to sign the pledge. If you’d like to do more, such as blog about the Msg or spread the word to your communities etc., please join as a “Mom on Board” Ambassador. Email and they’ll send you a badge and list you on the front page of the Mom Sends the Msg site.

I’ve taken the pledge so that I can do my part in keeping the streets safer and to model safe driving habits for my children ….. no matter how interesting my shiny new gadget may be. I hope you will do the same.