Archive for the ‘iphone user’ Category

IdeaShifters Smartphone Panel – Is looking for smart phone users to give feedback and get rewarded!

April 3, 2012

Confessions of a SmartPhone Addict

March 29, 2011

I used to wonder what the obsession was with the iPhone. I didn’t quite understand why someone would want to pay so much for a data plan and phone when all that was needed was a basic phone that could call friends and family. I didn’t text anyone because with my standard cell phone it was much easier to just call the person. Well, all that changed when my husband bought me a Samsung Epic for Christmas . I am blown away by its capabilities. It is comparable to the iPhone, but one feature that is different about it is that it has Swyping software which is a really fast way of texting. The moment I touched the keyboard on my phone I was hooked! I was able to download a shopping list app which has made going to the grocery store a breeze. The data plans for these phone can be very pricey, however we were able to sign up on a family plan with my brother-in-law which made it much more affordable. This phone has actually saved me a lot of money. Target now texts me coupons directly to my phone. Last week, I was able to get a pair of jeans for free using this app. They were on clearance for $5 and the coupon was for $5 off jeans. Another great use for the phone is its calendar. I am able to set reminders for myself for appointments, play dates, birthdays, etc. One of the best features of this phone is its GPS system. We bought a Garmin last year but now I never use it, because the GPS on my phone is so much better. Though I love my phone, I do try to use it sensibly. I definitely try not to use it a lot when playing with my son because I think it takes away from our quality time together. When I first got the phone, it was new and exciting and I was on it a little more than I should have been. Aiden let me know this, because he would walk up to the phone and say, “No!” I quickly got the message, haha. I definitely do not think a phone should take the place of socializing with others. I have been at one too many birthday parties where I see a parent obsessively checking his/her SmartPhone every minute. I think there is a time and place for using the phone and we should all be courteous about it. I do text more than I used to now because my phone makes it so much easier. I used to swear I would never text because I thought it was so impersonal as opposed to a phone call. Now, I definitely see its benefits at times. For instance, when my husband and I are out on a date at the movies (rarely happens, LOL), it is much easier for the babysitter to text us rather than call us in the theater. If I want my husband to pick something up on the way home, it’s also much easier to text him. I used to be skeptical about the benefits of these phones as opposed to the costs but it is definitely worth the investment!