Archive for the ‘Go Green’ Category

Introducing Diapers Naturally – a Cloth Diaper Service Located in Chester County!

September 7, 2010

Diapers Naturally is owned by Jen Manthey, a Chester County, cloth diapering mother of two. After her son was born she started Diapers Naturally because there were no local retail stores carrying cloth diapers. The only choice was to buy diapers online without being able to look at them first.
Diapers Naturally has an online store and a local retail location, right here in Chester County. Diapers Naturally consultants are also available for free personal cloth diaper consultations and in home parties. During these consultations you will learn about the various types of cloth diapering systems, pros and cons of the different systems, washing technique, accessories, cost, etc. You can also set up a personal registry with Diapers Naturally online. After you’ve created your registry friends and family can order by phone, internet or in person.

It can be confusing and overwhelming researching cloth diapers. In the retail store and during a consultation or party you can see the products, feel the fabrics and try out the systems. If you have any questions about cloth diapers at any time during your cloth diapering experience please feel free to call, stop by or email one of the experts at Diapers Naturally. They are there to serve you!

You can visit online at or at the retail location
Diapers Naturally
3293 Strasburg Rd
Coatesville, PA 19320

Hours: Mon 9-6, Tues-Sun by appt

Brands that Daipers Naturally carries include Fuzzi Bunz, Bumgenius, Flip, Econobum, Bummis, Bumkins, Thirsties, Imse Vimse, Hooter Hiders, BebeAuLait, Wahmies, gDiapers and more.

Read more about Diapers Naturally in the Daily Local News article