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Spring Fever Outdoor Fixer Upers!

March 22, 2011

If you’ve caught spring fever – here are some tips to get your outside chores finished quickly so you can enjoy the season!

1. Repair/Replace a Screen: If you just have a small hole or tear in a screen, fix it! Step 1: Try weaving the screen back together with a long needle. Step 2: Once the pieces are back in place, paint both sides with clear nail polish. OR Step 1: For a larger hole, you can patch it with another piece of screen. Step 2: Cut a piece of new screen about an inch larger than the hole. Pull a few strands of screen out so you’re left with a patch that you can weave into the screen. If you have a worn and tattered screen, replace it! It’s easy to do. Step 1: Pry part of the old spline out with an awl or screwdriver (Spline is a thin rubber rope that holds the screen in the frame). Pull the entire spline out of the frame. Step 2: Remove the Screen Step 3: Lay the new screening out over the frame and trim it back so you have an extra inch on all four sides. Step 4: Use grip clamps to hold the screen on one side. Step 5: On the edge opposite the clamps, pull the screen taut and use a spline roller to push new spline into the frame. Continue until all sides are finished. Step 6: Use a screwdriver to gently push the spline securely into the corners of the frame. Step 7: Trim away any excess with a sharp utility knife.

2. Outdoor Chores: Idea 1: Paint a bright stripe around the handle of your yard tools, this way if it falls into the grass it will be easy to spot. Prevent rust on your garden tools with sand. Step 1: Mix sand with some motor oil. Step 2: Plunge dirty garden tools into the sand. The sand will scour away the mud and the oil will help protect the tools from rust.

3. Care of Patio Furniture: If you left your plastic furniture out all winter you have some clean up ahead! Step 1: Rinse furniture with clean water so it’s nice and wet Step 2: Add a squirt or two or dish soap and a half a cup of ammonia to a bucket of warm water. Then scrub furniture with the ammonia mixture. Step 3: Rinse well. Step 4: Ammonia may strip away the shiny finish on the furniture. Use some automotive paste wax to buff it back to a shine. As an added bonus if your furniture is colored the paste wax will help protect it from fading in the sun.

4. Remove Mildew from Outdoor Cushions: If your patio furniture cushions have developed some mildew, these tips will kill the mildew and help keep it away longer. Step 1: Brush any dirt and debris off of the cushions. Step 2: Add a tablespoon of borax to a quart of warm water. Use the mixture to wash the cushions. Then rinse well. Step 3: Spray the cushions with full strength white vinegar to keep the mildew from growing back.

5. Maintain Decking: Routine cleaning and maintenance will help keep your deck looking great.Step 1: Sweep often, when you walk on dirt and debris on your deck it will grind into the surface and damage the wood. Step 2: Use the high-pressure attachment on your hose to clean dirt and debris from your deck and rails. Step 3: A 5 in 1 painter’s tool is a great tool to pry leaves and gunk from in between boards. Step 4: Test the sealant on your deck to see if it needs to be reapplied. Pour some water over the deck and watch for it to bead up. If there is no beading you need to re-apply a sealer to keep your deck looking great for years to come.

Information was obtained from