Archive for the ‘potty training’ Category

Truthfully Speaking…. with Toddlers!

February 24, 2011

Ahhh potty training. I’m SO glad it is over with for JT.  It took 2 rounds, one last summer and then again right before her 3rd birthday, but we’re done and she’s a pro!  Almost….

JT has always vocalized everything she is doing, and going to the potty is no exception, or NOT going for the matter of this piece.

There will be complete silence (as silent as a house with 2 young kids can be) in the house and she will turn to me and say “I don’t have to pee.”  Ummm… okay, I didn’t ask?  She will say it 5, 10 times before she will finally start dancing around and say “I have to pee.”  And of course, I’ve told her several times to go, go, go but she refuses until the last possible moment.   

When she’s finally finished her business she will say, “Wow, I really had to go.”  “Ya think, kid?” Granted, she hasn’t had an accident since mid-January, but why does it have to be such a battle to get her in there? 

Ugh, until tomorrow’s “I don’t have to pee” comment!