Archive for the ‘Swing Set Installation’ Category

Backyard Discovery and The Swing Set Man!

April 23, 2010

Recently I was selected to be a Brand Ambassador for Backyard Discovery. This was the best news…EVER as my kids have wanted a swing set for the past few years. In full disclosure I received our swing set as part of the Ambassador partnership, but all of the opinions and statements regarding the play set are mine. I have not been financially compensated for any of the swing set related posts you will see from me over the course of the summer.

So formality out of the way…

If you ask any of my neighbors they will all tell you, I am not a big fan of the outside. Well not as much the outside as the running after two kids going in two different directions full steam throughout the neighborhood, bouncing from play set to play set. Not so much fun and totally exhausting! When the opportunity to have a play set in our very own backyard came across my email inbox I could have cried tears of joy! Seriously one of the happiest days ever! I knew my kids would be thrilled beyond compare to have their own swing set and more importantly my days of swing set crashing at my neighbors houses were over! Bring on the back yard fun…in my own back yard! Yay! I am so excited about spending time in our own backyard that I have even bought plants and planters to pretty it up.

My family is swinging and sliding the day away on a Highlander Playset from Backyard Discovery. The Highlander is a pre-stained, cedar play set with tons of play features. It has a raised fort with four levels that start with a picnic table on the bottom and end up top with a dual roof clubhouse and porch! There are two belt swings and a two-person glider and my kids are having fun zipping down the super speedy 10′ slide.

Our play set was packaged in four pretty big boxes. My husband and I are seriously the least handy people YOU WILL EVER MEET. Thankfully I live next to a super handy tool salesman who kindly guides us through our home renovation projects. This project though.. not so much. Since he is aware of our lack -o -handiness, he suggested us calling in a professional installer. He strongly suggested us calling a professional. (Thank You J.W!)

Me being me.. I took to “the book”….you know Facebook. A tech savvy moms best friend.
I asked my facebook friends if they knew of any professional installation companies and right away got a reply to call….The Swing Set Man! (Thank You Kim!)

The Swing Set Man, AKA, Russ Huber is based out of Delaware County, but travels all over creation installing, leveling and relocating swing sets. I sent him an email requesting a quote for installation and he got back to me within the hour via his handy dandy blackberry. The price was right and we booked the installation appointment that day.

Yesterday was installation day. Russ and his Co-Installer, Mike arrived bright and early, had the boxes apart, pieces layed out and screws lined up like… well, like they had put a hundred swing sets together before. They had our Highlander Play set up in about six hours. I was very impressed by their handy work and attention to detail. The Swing Set Man is a hero in my household! A Hero! Click here to view pictures of The Swing Set Man installing our Highlander Playset.

After Russ and Mike left the kids played on the swing set all afternoon well into the evening. They are in love! I am pretty sure they would have slept on the third tier deck if I let them.

Today lunch was served on the swing set picnic table. My five year old daughter told me that her grilled cheese lunch was “the best ever”. So either my grilled cheese was one for the record books or it was the magic of the swing set. Hmmmm…

Stay tuned for more tales from the backyard….