Archive for the ‘DIY Father’s Day gift’ Category

SUPER Cute DIY Father’s Day Photo Present (Total cost: under $10)

June 16, 2011

Hanging out with my uber crafty gal pal Nicole from The Twinery, and she came up with this adorable and frugal Father’s Day photo present. The whole thing cost just under $10 bucks!

Step 1: Buy “A” and “D” wooden letters at Joanne, Michael’s or AC Moore. They are usually $1 each.

Step: 2 Buy a frame to put the photos in. I have two kids so I bought a tri-fold frame at A.C Moore (cost $5.99)

Step 3: Take a picture of kid #1 holding the “D”, take a picture of kid #2 holding the “D”, then take a picture of both kids holding the “A”.
* If you have three kids each kid can hold a letter, four and up, spell DADDY.. have fun with it.

Step 4: Upload to a one hour photo printing place (I used Sam’s Club and the cost for three 4×6 photos cost .36)