Archive for the ‘Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Shelby Riley’ Category

Shelby Riley, LMFT and Associates, Has New Discussion and Support Groups Forming!

May 20, 2013

Shelby Riley, LMFT and Associates has new groups forming!

Women in Transition Group

Led by: Hope Nichols, M.A.

“Women in Transition” is a weekly group that will offer information, support and connection for women as they transition through challenging times. The group focus is on empowerment, education, and healing within a supportive community that is guided by the clear principles of confidentiality, respect, and trust.

     Divorce/ Separation

     Relationship Building

     Career Change

     Parenting/ Empty Nest

The group is designed to inspire and support each member as they continue a life of learning, engagement, and leadership. 

6 sessions: Tuesdays from 10 am- 11:15 am

Cost: $50.00 per session ($300 total)

Pay in full at first session and save $25.00

Location: 223 Byers Rd., Suite 2, Chester Springs, PA 19425

Contact Hope Nichols to register: 610-348-0309 or   

Chester County’s own Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Shelby Riley, Shares Advice on Caring for Aging Parents

March 26, 2013

Here is March’s installment of “Ask Shelby” from Chester County’s own Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Shelby Riley.

Dear Shelby,

I have recently assumed the role of caregiver for my aging mother.  I am having so many confusing feelings.  How do I do this and not lose myself in the process?

Signed, Caring and Concerned

Dear Caring and Concerned,

Although I have worked with many adult children who have cared for their aging parents, I am going to ask my associate, Hope Nichols, to answer this one, as she has worked with the geriatric population and their families for years.  Hope writes:

“First, it’s important to accept that things have changed. Be prepared for a radically new paradigm. Old roles may not apply; old methodologies may not apply; old emotions may not apply. Be prepared to work from a whole new script.

Try to understand that when you start taking care of your parent, they lose the one thing they’ve always had in relationship to you: authority. That’s something that is not going to be easy for your parent to give up. Expect them, in one way or another, to lash out about that loss. Try your best to have compassion for what they are experiencing.  Remember, most of us will be in their shoes some time down the road.

Give them their autonomy whenever possible; offer your parent options instead of orders. It’s important for them to continue to feel as if they, and not you, are running their lives. Let them decide as much as they can about their own care, and help them by supporting the healthy choices they’ve made on their own.

Encourage your loved one to participate in social activities as much as possible.  Keeping them actively connected with friends and family enhances their quality of life, and helps affirm for them that they are still of value to others.

During this phase of your life, remember to take care of yourself, too.  Take walks, stretch out, eat right, make sure you spend quality time away from Mom or Dad. Your life still needs to be about you, and your loved one will be pleased to know that they are not depleting you of your personal joy.

This can be an intimate and loving time for both you and your parent; don’t forget to look for the silver lining. I promise it’s in there!”

Our best to you, Shelby and Hope

Learn more about Hope on the SR&A website:

Shelby Riley, LMFT is the owner of Shelby Riley, LMFT and Associates, LLC.  She is currently the President of the Pennsylvania Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (PAMFT).  Remember to check out Shelby’s website www.shelbyrileymft.comfor useful information about therapy for individuals, couples, and families.

Valentine’s Day: Connecting in Real Ways by Chester County’s own Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Shelby Riley

February 13, 2013

Here is February’s installment of “Ask Shelby” from Chester County’s own Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Shelby Riley.

Dear Shelby,

With Valentine’s Day approaching, I realize I feel very disconnected from my husband and kids.  I try to talk with them and spend time with them, but I never feel like I’m really connecting.  Sometimes I think my efforts actually annoy them!  What else can I do?

Signed, Done with Disconnection

Dear Done with Disconnection,

You are already one step ahead of many women!  Finding the time to connect with your husband and kids is half the battle and it sounds like you’ve already conquered that problem.  Now, the second problem needs an answer: how to make that time worthwhile.

My advice to you is simple: meet them on their terms.  Many moms share with me that it is so hard to get their kids (especially boys) to open up and talk.  They say they ask more and more questions to try to connect with their kids, only to find their kids irritated, surly, and rude in response.  The mistake you might be making is trying to connect with others in the way YOU most like to connect.  Try paying attention to who your loving other is, and how THEY like to connect. 

I have to do this in my office.  Not everyone likes to talk.  Some people have a very hard time articulating their thoughts and feelings.  Some people do better using art, some use my sand tray to explore how they’re feeling, and one of my clients likes to write most of his thoughts in a notebook we pass back and forth between us.
Maybe your son might feel loved and connected by playing cards together, or basketball, or sitting silently in front of his favorite show while you give him a head massage.  Maybe your daughter might talk more lying in bed next to you with the lights off, or walking side by side around your neighborhood.  Maybe she won’t share her deepest secrets, but she might connect with you in an art gallery, sharing her thoughts on the paintings before you.  Now take a look at that man you married.  What do you know about him?  He loves micro-brews and burgers?  Show him you love him by taking him to a local brewery and sampling a flight of beers, sharing your reactions to each different taste.  He’s deeply faithful?  Get tickets when his favorite speaker comes to town and explore your reactions and faith together.
I love that you are aware of the disconnect you feel and are actively seeking new ways to feel close to your family.  I’m excited for you to pay attention to who they are and how they connect so you can begin to engage with them on their terms.  Now that’s a Valentine’s gift that will last all year!
With love,

Shelby Riley, LMFT is the owner of Shelby Riley, LMFT and Associates, LLC.  She is currently the President of the Pennsylvania Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (PAMFT).  Remember to check out Shelby’s website www.shelbyrileymft.comfor useful information about therapy for individuals, couples, and families.