Archive for the ‘photo tips’ Category

Photography 101 With Caitlin Domanico

August 13, 2009

Today’s topic: How to make people photography POP!

You know when a photo jumps at you, but you don’t always know why, right? When you’re dealing with people or animal photography there is a key ingredient that MUST be present when photographing- lights in the eyes. Photographers call these “catch lights”. Did you ever take an awesome picture that was lacking in some major but unidentifiable way?? Check the eyes. Is there light being reflected in them? Catch lights make the eyes shine and the subject look lively. You can get catch lights from natural light–but sometimes you can get it from artificial lights- including the TV! Usually it’s as simple as turning your subject slightly so light can illuminate them.

Check it out–
No catch lights:

::Shudder:: Bad flash:

::sigh of relief:: With catch lights:

So, are you up for the challenge? Post your progress and link back in a comment!!

Check out Caitlin’s website here:

Until next week, happy shooting!!!

Photography 101 With Caitlin Domanico

August 6, 2009

Since so many of you have enjoyed Picasa, let’s roll with it! This week’s topic: COLLAGES!

Seriously, make one collage on Picasa and you will be HOOKED! Never again will you have to make a blog post with 17 different pictures….or try to send huge photo emails to Grandma, only to have it bounce back to you.

Open the program and click on a folder that has multiple photos you would like to use.

Next, click on the photos that you want to use. Select mutiple images by holding down the control button at the same time.

Click COLLAGE at the bottom of the screen.

Now you can play around and create several different types of collages.

Picture Pile:

Mosaic and Frame Mosaic (shown here- mosaic):

Contact Sheet:

And lastly: Mulitple exposure

Once you choose the layout, you can shuffle pictures, change the sizing, and change the background color.
When you are satisfied, click “Create Collage”.

You are all done! This is super fun to play with. Once you have created the collage, you can add text, too. Just be aware-Picasa usually saves the collages in a folder other than the one your photos were in. For example instead of Pictures–>Love Tutu, it might be in Pictures–>Picasa–>Collages.

Enjoy playing and leave your tips in the comments section!

Photography 101 with Caitlin Domanico

July 30, 2009

Wow, can you believe it’s almost the last day of July? I hope you’ve been enjoying our series on editing. I love reading your emails and comments, keep ’em coming!

The glow function will be the last technique we explore in Picasa….for now!

Glow: One of my favorite edits is the glow function. It “adds a gauzy look” to your photos. The glow function makes the photo a bit softer, a bit more romantic, a bit more emotional. It does not work with all photos, but when its applicable, it’s wonderful.

Check back every Thursday for Photography 101 with Caitlin Domanico!

Until then….happy shooting!!!

Photography 101 with Caitlin Domanico

July 23, 2009

Welcome back to our series about editing. As you will recall, we are using google’s free program, Picasa.

Today we will learn how to convert an image from color to black and white.

By making a photo black and white, you can add an artistic, emotional feel. Black and white has a classic, timeless element to it. Check it out.

Want to take it one step further? Try Filtered Black and White. By clicking on “pick color” and then hovering your mouse over the eight colors, you will see various versions of black and white. Choose your favorite and then click apply.

Next week: GLOW function

Until then, happy shooting!!

Photography 101 with Caitlin Domanico

July 16, 2009

Welcome back to our series on *EDITING*. All mini-tutorials are for using Google’s program, Picasa.

Today we will be discussing fill Light.

Sometimes you take the perfect picture, upload it onto your computer, and realize, “it’s just a little too dark”. Here’s where fill light comes in. Load your photo into Picasa. Click fill light. Adjust the slider until you get the desired level.

I guarantee this one will keep you occupied!

Topic next Thursday: converting to black and white

Until then, happy shooting!

Photography 101 with Caitlin Domanico

July 9, 2009

Hi there! Last week, I introduced you to Picasa editing software and I showed you how to crop a photo.

This week, we will be learning how to fix Red Eye.

It happens to the best of us- sometimes we *need* to use flash and before you know it, you get 25 pictures of your friends looking possessed! Picasa’s latest version has made fixing red eyes very easy. Click Red Eye under Basic Fixes.

Check in next Thursday to learn all about “Fill light”.

Until then, happy shooting!

Photography 101 with Caitlin Domanico

July 2, 2009

Hopefully you have been mastering the three phototips given in last month’s series.

Today’s topic- editing without breaking the bank
Part One

You can make small yet amazing changes in your digital images with the click of a button and without spending a dime. As a professional photographer, I use Adobe Photoshop, but I often use my free software when going through our day-to-day family snapshots.

Today I am going to tell you all about my favorite free software for PCs: Picasa by Google. After downloading the program to your computer, you will begin “importing” (or moving) photo files into the program.

Choose a photo to edit and start playing.

You can crop, remove red eye, add fill light, straighten your image, add text, or change several aspects of your exposure by using the “auto” buttons.

In the coming weeks, I will feature one way to edit, so check back each Thursday!

Crop: You can crop an image to get rid of an eye sore as below, or to move in closer to your subject. Click “crop”, drag lines to frame your photo as desired, and click crop again.
One tip to remember when cropping- as you crop in tighter, you lose some resolution and you may not be able to make larger prints as before. Simple fix: try to move in closer with your camera.

These tips will occupy you for hours and will take your family photos to a new level. Enjoy playing and leave a comment sharing your favorite commands and tips for Picasa!

Photography 101 with Caitlin Domanico

June 25, 2009

“OMG I love your pictures, what kind of camera do you use?”
Part Three
Are you ready for the latest installment of “OMG I LOVE YOUR PICTURES”?

I really feel that this is one of the most important tips, but it is very intimidating for people to begin to use. Would I make you do anything TOO hard? No! Just relax and read on.

Soak up natural light when it’s available.

Turn off your flash.

I know, it’s hard to do, but do it. If lighting is low, then use your arms as a tripod and prop your camera on a steady
surface. No surface available? Draw your arms in tightly, hold your breath, and take the photo. If you are using an SLR and know a bit more about the technical
end, boost your ISO, widen your aperature and/or adjust your shutter speed. There is nothing like a beautiful portrait lit by a window. Skin tones are more natural,
colors are more true, and there are no harsh shadows and flash spots.

Check out these examples:

Flash~ could have been so much better! (or will require much more editing)

No Flash~ sigh…so pretty!

Have you mastered all of these techniques and still want more from your photography? Stay tuned for next Thursday’s topic- editing software for all budgets.

Until then, happy shooting!

Photography 101 with Caitlin Domanico

June 18, 2009

“OMG I love your pictures, what kind of camera do you use?”
Part Two

No matter if you use film or digital, point and shoot or an SLR, here is another easy tip that will make your photography pop.

Shoot, shoot, shoot, repeat, repeat, repeat. Let your finger “dance” on the shutter release button. Photography should be fun, relaxing and exciting.
Too much thought and too much technicality can put a damper on your hobby if you don’t enjoy the ride. In the year 2009 many of us are shooting only in digital
format which allows us to upload the pictures on our computers and delete all the “bad” ones. You don’t have to settle for “okay” shots.

To Mike, Lilly, and my defense….this was at the end of a two hour session in the sun! 🙂

::cue the music and applause::


Check in every Thursday for Photography 101 with Caitlin Domanico!

Until then, happy shooting!

Photography 101 with Caitlin Domanico

June 11, 2009

We are so excited to welcome Chester County Moms, newest contributor, Caitlin Domanico. As an on-location natural light photographer. Caitlin, specializes in “capturing the art of daily living”. She will be contributing a Photography 101 post weekly. Learn more about Caitlin and view her work at

“OMG I love your pictures, what kind of camera do you use?”
Part One

No matter if you use film or digital, a point & shoot or an SLR, here is an easy tip that will make your photography POP!

Change your angle.

Photograph a pet from floor level.

Photograph babies and children at eye level.

Shoot something from above.

Play, have fun…the possibilities are endless! Check in every Thursday for Photography 101 with Caitlin Domanico!

Until then, happy shooting!