Archive for the ‘going green’ Category

Sun & Earth Sundance Channel Debut- $100 Prize Pack Give Away

September 29, 2009

Tune-in this evening (Sept. 29th) to Sundance Channel at 8:00 EDT. Sun & Earth is featured in the hit series Big Ideas for a Small Planet. To celebrate we are giving one lucky Chester County Mom a HUGE Sun & Earth cleaning and laundry product gift basket…. Worth $100!

This contest is closed. Thanks to all that entered.

Congratulations to Cindy C. on winning this awesome prize!

WCGM Weekend Recap

September 28, 2009

Perfect Autumn weather highlighted the Market this past Saturday. It was sunny and cool while Market Goers flitted around from vendor to vendor. Amidst the chatter of voices rose the music of John Scardina. John has been a long-time favorite Market Musician, and played often at the WCGM. He recently moved to New York, but made his way back for a weekend of Market Music. His voice and guitar were a great pair, as he sang folksy tunes (and some children’s songs to appease our littlest Market Goers).

Every week, we have the joy of meeting up with my in-laws. We are also usually joined by my youngest sister. This week was a special treat: we not only met up with our usual family members, but were surprised by my sister-in-law and my very own Mom as well! Mom hasn’t been to the Market in a long time, so it was new to her this season. It is always fun knowing the people you are bumping into at the Market, but it is even better when it is a Family Affair!

Our first stop was to admire the Great Pumpkin being showcased in the Guess The Weight Of the Pumpkin Contest. To continue reading, click here…

Frugal Finds Friday: Reasons for Recycling

September 25, 2009

People start recycling for a variety of reasons. Some people want to stop landfills from overflowing so new ones won’t end up in their backyard. Some people are simply addicted to sorting and organizing and categorizing. Some people just hate waste. I started recycling because I was running out of trash bags.

I realized that if I pulled out the milk jugs, soda cans, glass jars and cereal boxes, I didn’t have to empty the trash as often. What I didn’t realize is that when you start to recycle you become aware of the decision-making process about waste and reusable goods at a very intimate level. Everything leaving the kitchen or closets or storage spaces starts going through a process of mental evaluation: do I toss it, can I save it or can anyone use it in any form?

A commitment to recycling changes one’s whole perspective. Despite being a sentimental packrat, I realized that once you get into the habit of assessing usefulness around the home, you make smarter decisions on everything. Instead of stockpiling more, I found that I stashed less because I realized that if I was not using something in a reasonable time, someone else could be and that I needed to let it go. For example, I found many old games and toys that my children grew out of years ago sitting dusty on our basement shelves just in case a younger child stopped by. I boxed them up and took them to Goodwill where someone else could immediately benefit from their educational value.

In Shel Horowitz’s e-book, “The Penny Pinching Hedonist: How to Live Like Royalty with a Peasant’s Pocketbook,”he states “Recycling is a popular idea these days — and for good reason. It’s good for the budget, the environment, and the society as a whole. But if you think of recycling only in terms of melting down plastic and metal or dissolving paper and making a new batch, think again.

For more of this article, click HERE to go to where Sarah is gathering lots of money saving resources just for YOU!

Sun & Earth Red Carpet Event.. Have you RSVP’d?

September 25, 2009

Sun & Earth will be featured on Sundance Channel’s Big Ideas For a Small Planet airing at 8:00 p.m. EDT on September 29th. To celebrate this exciting occasion, Sun & Earth is hosting a Factory Tour and Red Carpet Event that morning/afternoon (September 29th). In addition to the interactive, educational, and fun facility visit, a delicious, nutritious lunch will be provided courtesy of Whole Foods Market in Devon, PA. The amazing picnic includes fresh fruit salad, tastey skyr, an assortment of beverages as well as fun activities/games for children (and yes, adults). Please come join the celebration with Sun & Earth and Whole Foods Market!

Who: Welcomed guests. Space is limited. Reserve your seat today.
What: Red Carpet Event/Factory Tour.
When: September 29th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Where: Located at 221 King Manor Drive, King of Prussia, PA 19406.
Please RSVP: Lynne Campbell at by 9/25/09

Special thanks to Sun & Earth’s Red Carpet Event/Factory Tour sponsor

This weekend at WCGM – Get ready for Fall!

September 18, 2009

The WCGM is gearing up for a great upcoming season of Autumn Markets! With the First Day of Fall ringing in next Tuesday, you can rest assured that the Market will be “Falling” with Autumn items tomorrow (maybe I’m pushing the Autumn-talk too much for one post? I can’t help it, Autumn is my favorite season!)

As with each week, there is plenty in store for Market Goers this Saturday at the WCGM. Let me first encourage you to stop and get some Coffee in town before you head to the corner of Church and Chestnut Streets. With cooler weather just around the corner, some coffee from your local coffee shop will be the perfect thing to warm you up! Coffee pairs PERFECTLY with a pastry from Big Sky Bread Co…to continue reading click here

WCGM: Rain, Pumpkins and Zucchini

September 16, 2009

I am not going to lie: It was a grey and dreary Saturday morning for the Market this past weekend. Rain was drizzling and the sun was no where to be seen behind the clouds. Despite the unfortunate conditions, the Market was refreshing and Market Goers were excited!

Off the bat, my attention was drawn to a contraption I had never seen before (in person): A Street Organ. This instrument sounds a bit like a harpsidcord, and it is prompted by loading a book of sheet music with holes in it. This sheet music is run through the organ, causing different pitches to come out of the various shaped/sized holes. Lucille, the Street Organ musician, was cranking the paper through with what looked like a steering wheel. Lucille said this particular Street Organ was made in France. Quite a treat for the WCGM, bringing a bit of brightness on a dreary day!
Last week I didn’t use my eggplant fast enough…to continue reading CLICK HERE


September 4, 2009


There are so many things to be excited about – so don’t even CONSIDER not stopping by. The first being a FREE Labor Day BBQ! Great (free) food for our faithful Market Goers. Stop by the Grill to get yours upon arrival.

Market Goers are in for a musical treat. This week’s Market Musician is talented local artist, Melissa Cox. With many awards under her belt, it will be the perfect soundtrack to the festive holiday weekend. Learn more about Melissa and her music at

This weekend the WCGM will be hosting the Monthly Market Bucks Drawing! Submit your name for the chance to win $25 Market Bucks….to continue reading click here.

WCGM: Chicken, Tuberose and Jasmine Nights

August 31, 2009

It was a nice morning at the WCGM this past Saturday: Warm, slightly overcast and full of people. This week’s musician, Richard Cole and his daughter, were filling the space with happy notes and whimsical melodies. They have a distinct sound, and the only way I can describe it is “upbeat.” Two things I loved about Richard Cole and Co: 1) they interacted with Market Goers, making conversation and banter; 2) they played original songs. That’s talent!

I made a beeline for Lindenhof Farm as soon as I arrived. It has been a few weeks since a meat purchase at the Market, and my freezer was beginning to get bitter towards me. After discussing with Hubby what to get, we settled on a 1/2 Chicken….Click HERE to continue reading…

This Weekend – August 29th at The West Chester Grower’s Market

August 28, 2009

Can you believe that this is the last weekend of August? Summer is coming to an end. Luckily, summer will not be going out without a BANG from the WCGM! Not only will there be festivities, but the Autumn brings new crops and new events. There is never a dull moment at the WCGM!

This weekend will be quiet compared to the past few weekends, as the Market prepares for a Labor Day Extravaganza next weekend! You can expect all of your favorite vendors to be present, and a hearty bounty of crops as well!

Ellen April’s Handmade Soaps will be debuting a NEW SOAP…click here to continue reading

Stay connected to the WCGM all year round…
You can keep up to date with all the WCGM anniversary plans by signing up to get the WCGM email newsletter. It’s published twice a month and will feature news of upcoming events and announcements about new products at the market. Click here to sign up NOW!

There is also a new blog this year that will bring you interesting stories about producers and lots of inside market news. Click here to check it out here.

Do you Tweet? For on the spot news you can follow The West Chester Grower’s Market on Twitter @wcgrowersmarket

You are cordially invited to a Sun & Earth Red Carpet Extravaganza

August 28, 2009

Sun & Earth will be featured on Sundance Channel’s Big Ideas For a Small Planet airing at 8:00 p.m. EDT on September 22nd. To celebrate this exciting occasion, Sun & Earth is hosting a Factory Tour and Red Carpet Event that morning/afternoon (September 22nd). In addition to the interactive, educational, and fun facility visit, a delicious, nutritious lunch will be provided courtesy of Whole Foods Market in Devon, PA. The amazing picnic includes fresh fruit salad, tastey skyr, an assortment of beverages as well as fun activities/games for children (and yes, adults). Please come join the celebration with Sun & Earth and Whole Foods Market!

Who: Welcomed guests. Space is limited. Reserve your seat today.
What: Red Carpet Event/Factory Tour.
When: September 22nd from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Where: Located at 221 King Manor Drive, King of Prussia, PA 19406.
Please RSVP: Lynne Campbell at by 9/18/09

Special thanks to Sun & Earth’s Red Carpet Event/Factory Tour sponsor