Archive for the ‘family’ Category

Living Social Dorney Park Deal- Expires Soon, don’t miss out!!!!!!

April 5, 2012
Living Social Deal: Overnight Dorney Park Package for Up to 6!!!!

$148 (50% savings!)

This deal is SOOOO incredible that we really don’t want you to miss out!

Your Escape Kit Includes:

A One-Night Stay for Up to Six

Two Adult Tickets to Dorney Park

Welcome Basket, Towels for Water Park, and $10 Hotel Credit

Early Check-In

The deal doesn’t expire until September, so you have all summer to use it with your friends and/or family. 
What a great deal!!!!

Living Social Deal: In time for Spring Break! Crayola Tour!!!!!

April 4, 2012
Living Social Deal: Crayola Factory Fun Tour!
Just in time for Spring Break!!!!
Admission for Four and 
$10 Off with Purchases of $30 or More at the Crayola Store
Hurry up, this expires 4/8/12!

Pat’s Pizza Family Restaurant- Living Social Deal

March 20, 2012
Did you see this????  Great deal today for 

Pat’s Pizza Family Restaurant

$30 to Spend on Pizza and More    

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Sears: EXTRA savings just for You… starting NOW!!!

March 18, 2012

Expedia Family Vacation Deals!

March 11, 2012
It's Finally Spring Sale! Save up to 44% on hotels
Another “typical” weekend in your house where Monday is coming 
and you still don’t feel any more relaxed than you did at the end of last week?
Check out some amazing deals for you and your family to GET AWAY!!!!
You deserve it!