Archive for April, 2010

Backyard Discovery and The Swing Set Man!

April 23, 2010

Recently I was selected to be a Brand Ambassador for Backyard Discovery. This was the best news…EVER as my kids have wanted a swing set for the past few years. In full disclosure I received our swing set as part of the Ambassador partnership, but all of the opinions and statements regarding the play set are mine. I have not been financially compensated for any of the swing set related posts you will see from me over the course of the summer.

So formality out of the way…

If you ask any of my neighbors they will all tell you, I am not a big fan of the outside. Well not as much the outside as the running after two kids going in two different directions full steam throughout the neighborhood, bouncing from play set to play set. Not so much fun and totally exhausting! When the opportunity to have a play set in our very own backyard came across my email inbox I could have cried tears of joy! Seriously one of the happiest days ever! I knew my kids would be thrilled beyond compare to have their own swing set and more importantly my days of swing set crashing at my neighbors houses were over! Bring on the back yard fun…in my own back yard! Yay! I am so excited about spending time in our own backyard that I have even bought plants and planters to pretty it up.

My family is swinging and sliding the day away on a Highlander Playset from Backyard Discovery. The Highlander is a pre-stained, cedar play set with tons of play features. It has a raised fort with four levels that start with a picnic table on the bottom and end up top with a dual roof clubhouse and porch! There are two belt swings and a two-person glider and my kids are having fun zipping down the super speedy 10′ slide.

Our play set was packaged in four pretty big boxes. My husband and I are seriously the least handy people YOU WILL EVER MEET. Thankfully I live next to a super handy tool salesman who kindly guides us through our home renovation projects. This project though.. not so much. Since he is aware of our lack -o -handiness, he suggested us calling in a professional installer. He strongly suggested us calling a professional. (Thank You J.W!)

Me being me.. I took to “the book”….you know Facebook. A tech savvy moms best friend.
I asked my facebook friends if they knew of any professional installation companies and right away got a reply to call….The Swing Set Man! (Thank You Kim!)

The Swing Set Man, AKA, Russ Huber is based out of Delaware County, but travels all over creation installing, leveling and relocating swing sets. I sent him an email requesting a quote for installation and he got back to me within the hour via his handy dandy blackberry. The price was right and we booked the installation appointment that day.

Yesterday was installation day. Russ and his Co-Installer, Mike arrived bright and early, had the boxes apart, pieces layed out and screws lined up like… well, like they had put a hundred swing sets together before. They had our Highlander Play set up in about six hours. I was very impressed by their handy work and attention to detail. The Swing Set Man is a hero in my household! A Hero! Click here to view pictures of The Swing Set Man installing our Highlander Playset.

After Russ and Mike left the kids played on the swing set all afternoon well into the evening. They are in love! I am pretty sure they would have slept on the third tier deck if I let them.

Today lunch was served on the swing set picnic table. My five year old daughter told me that her grilled cheese lunch was “the best ever”. So either my grilled cheese was one for the record books or it was the magic of the swing set. Hmmmm…

Stay tuned for more tales from the backyard….

Peace…Love…Art…Yoga! New Yoga & Art Studio in West Chester with a family focus!

April 23, 2010

There’s a new studio debuting in West Chester on May 10th that we are so excited about! Amy Schramm and Lisa Samuel are opening a really forward-thinking yoga and art mixed-space studio called PLAY: Peace Love Art Yoga! This studio is going to be THE place to be for all things creative for the ENTIRE family.

To see some samples of the HUGE variety of fun classes (for children and adults alike), camps, and birthday parties that are going to be offered at PLAY, head on over to their website!
We really appreciate the dedication that these women have put into creating a really playful yet peaceful space in the studio and we know that you will immediately feel more relaxed when you enter. Lisa and Amy are in the middle of the construction process, but they offered Sarah and Shannon an exclusive sneak-peek of the space mid-construction so that you can get a feel for their vision! Check out our video below to see a tour with Lisa and Amy.

I can’t wait to see what their studio looks like when PLAY opens for it’s GRAND OPENING on May 10th! Go check out their class schedule and join the ladies at PLAY for a FREE TRIAL CLASS any time during the week of the 10th! Let them know that Chester County Moms sent you.

Also, are you looking for a summer camp? PLAY is now accepting camp registrations right on line. Take a peek at their camp offerings and sign up today right here.
And, make sure you keep checking back here at Chester County Moms for more information on a REALLY FUN Moms Night Out that we will be hosting at the PLAY studio in May! More details will be coming soon!

Let’s go PLAY!

"Pets and Their People" Runway Show and Auction

April 23, 2010
“Pets and Their People” Runway Show and Auction
Sunday, April 25, 2010
12:00pm – 2:30pm
Burke Park
Warren Ave. and Roberts Lane, Malvern
12:00 Welcome
12:15 Animal Communicator
12:30 K-9 Olympics for your dog (dash, high-jump, retrieve)
Agility Demos: Try it out!1:30
Keystone K-9 Search and Rescue Demo
2:00 Award Presentations
2:15 Runway show (For pets and Their People!)
Find your new best friend: Adopt-a-petRunway
Entrance Fee: Used pair of eyeglasses or a monitary donation works too!

It’s Earth Day 2010. Awesome! But, then what?

April 22, 2010

Today is Earth Day! It’s a great day to raise awareness about ways we can help the earth and the environment. I love that there is a day dedicated to making “loving the earth” more mainstream and helping people understand that there are ways to make different choices in their lives that would really make an impact on a better tomorrow for our children.

But, what happens tomorrow, the next day, next month, and next year? Will you still have as strong a commitment to making environmentally-friendly choices as you do today? For some people, the answer is emphatically YES! And, for some others, the answer will not be as straight-forward.
I can’t think of anyone that would say “I really want to trash this planet”. Instead, I believe most people are pulled toward wanting healthier, more environmentally friendly choices in their lives. However, people are sometimes challenged to make those choices due to a variety of factors such as finances, product availability, education, and potential inconvenience.
I think that the real message for Earth Day should be that there is huge “spectrum” of choices on the vast path to leading a more earth-friendly (EF) lifestyle. Sometimes, that spectrum can seem daunting and overwhelming. I am a FIRM believer in taking SMALL, INCREMENTAL “baby steps” in order to improve the overall ecofriendiness in our household. If you look at the big picture of the number of things that are effecting our health and our environment, it is so very easy to become discouraged and feel like just doing your part won’t make a difference. But, that is exactly the position we can’t take. We have to be resolved in the fact that if each of us just made small changes in our lives, the impact of our combined efforts will be HUGE.
I started my journey to research a healthier and more “EF” lifestyle around the time I was pregnant with my 2 and a half year old. And, in that time, we have made some significant and not so significant changes in our home. We started out by just really paying attention to our recycling habits, trying to drink water out of our own stainless steel bottles, and trying to look at the chemical cleaners that were in the house.
Since then, it’s all been about trial and error. And, sometimes, trial and huge success. I am really committed to being MORE “EF” in our lives, but I will be the first one to tell you that if it doesn’t work for our family, I’m not going to do it. I’ve decided to remove all of the guilt and the overwhelm out of this process, and it’s been much more enjoyable for all of us as a result.
These are a few things that we are doing daily now:
  • ALL trash needs to be scrupulously evaluated to see if it could be recycled.
  • We no longer buy plastic water bottles. If we need to take a beverage on-the-go we try to remember our own stainless steel bottles.
  • I will only use natural cleaning products in our house. We love our Sun and Earth products. They work just as well (they REALLY do) and they don’t cost more than the chemical-filled conventional cleaners.
  • I primarily use natural/organic hygiene products. There are a few exceptions (I will not give up my beloved Cetaphil face cleanser), but we do use natural body washes, shampoos, conditioners, and toothpastes.
  • We use CFL lightbulbs
  • We buy paper towels, toilet paper and napkins that are made from recycled paper. I recognize that the more “EF” option would be to use cloth, but that doesn’t work for my lifestyle so this is my compromise position and I feel good about that. My favorite brand is Marcal Smart Steps.
  • I *try* to remember my reusable bags at the store, but if I forget, we ALWAYS save the plastic bags for my grocery store’s plastic bag recycling program
  • We try hard to conserve water and not waste water by unnecessarily running the taps.
Most of our focus right now, though, has been around our food choices. In the last few years, we’ve moved very slowly towards more organic and natural food in our house. It’s so hard to put a number on it, but I would say we eat about 50 or 60% organic. I will only buy organic milk and dairy products. And, I try hard to buy organic, grass fed meats when possible. Although, calling it “organic” eating doesn’t really tell the whole story.
There are also the local, sustainable food choices we make, like joining a CSA each summer (we love the CSA at Milky Way Farm). They do not offer “certified organic” foods, but I know that he does follow mostly organic farming practices, I know that his food is FRESH and hasn’t been trucked across the country, and I am helping to support a farmer in my community!
And then there are the non-organic food products we buy in the house that are not organic, but are the better choice than traditionally processed foods. For example, when I shop at Trader Joe’s I sometimes buy Organic foods, but sometimes I don’t. But, I always feel better about my purchases from TJ’s because I know that NOTHING in their store contains High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), GMO’s, and other risky additives that compromise your health. When at the traditional grocery store, I just try to make good choices based on ingredient lists and do the best I can for my family within my own boundaries (financial, time investment, convenience, etc).
I still have a long road ahead of me to transform my family’s eating habits, but I am proud of the progress I have made. We just keep adding new things to our lists in order to keep making progress on our journey.
If you are looking for a good resource for starting to introduce “Real” or “Whole” Foods to your family, I highly recommend you check out the posts that my friend Jo-Lynne has published on her blog documenting the things she has tried and how she started on this journey. I love that Jo-Lynne is a very busy mom like me and can show me in a non-judging and non-threatening way how small steps can be taking to “clean up” the foods you are eating. Her resource page is top-notch!
But, wanting to make the choices is one thing. Being able to afford an all-Organic diet is quite another. I’ve read article after article discussing the perceived, and not so perceived high cost of eating organic and natural foods. I can really see both sides of the argument, however I am someone who has the luxury (and I DO realize it is a huge luxury) of not really having to budget grocery purchases and being able to afford most organic/natural products that I want to buy. So, when I read this article by Shannan Powell last week, it stopped me in my tracks and made me think. What about the people who want to do more, but can’t?
While I do not think that I am one of the people that tend to judge and criticize people for not eating organic/natural foods (I firmly believe my choices are my own), I do see people who are ugly, critical, mean-spirited, and antagonistic about proclaiming their righteousness by eating organically and in their condemnation of those who do not. As I said above, I think people inherently want to give their families the best food possible. I’ve never heard anyone say “I love processed, additive-laden food”, but sometimes processed food IS what is possible based on availability of food and people’s budgets. Making Mom feel guilty about making the choice to eat in general, even if it is processed, is counter-productive and a huge waste of time.
Critics are barking up the wrong tree when they rally against consumers for not “voting with their shopping dollar” and buying organic. I am sorry, but that argument only holds water if you have the money to vote with. So, the “haves” may be able to vote with their food budget dollars, but the “have nots” need other ways to make their voices heard.
As Shannan suggests, the better use of time and effort in this scenario is to start the discussion about making huge, revolutionary changes to our food processing and food distribution systems. Have you seen the movie Food, Inc? It’s a great place to start to find out the ugly truth about how food industry giants and the government have partnered to make processed foods the cheaper alternatives in the marketplace. There is reason for that, and it is shocking.
What’s the answer here? I really don’t know. But, what I do know is that as a community we can really make some changes and make our voices heard. Organic/natural foods NEED to become the “norm” in America. We deserve healthy food choices to nourish our bodies. But, we need healthy food to be affordable so that everyone who deserves healthy food can get it.
So, I’m really glad that there is such a thing called Earth Day so that these discussions can be started. What I’d love to see is that the conversation continues today and every day!
I’d love to hear what you think. What do you do in your life to be more eco-friendly and do you eat organic foods as part of your regular diet? How do you budget for those purchases? How do you think we could impact some change so that healthy food becomes affordable food for everyone?

Trendy Thursday: Swim Suits

April 22, 2010

“Bathing Suit Season.” The phrase drives fear in the hearts of women everywhere. And its almost here.

*collective sigh*

Well, regardless of how ready we are, the swimsuits have hit the stores. And you know that we need to snatch them up now because if we wait to June all that we’ll find are XXS bottoms, XL tops and Halloween costumes.

So let us begin.

Gp706065-02vliv01The best swimsuit investment I ever made was buying a bunch of pieces from the same collection to mix and match. Mine is from Gap. I have a variety of pieces in black that I mix and match according to how skinny I feel, including the essential tankini top, essential halter bikini top, essential bikini bottom and swim skirt. I also have the essential one-piece halter suit.
I purchased them over about 3 years, both from the store and from the outlet, I didn’t pay full price for a single piece. I remember I picked up the one-piece at the outlet for about $12 last year. The skirt? $3. Awesome. Because they’re all from
Gap, the pieces are totally interchangeable.
I know it seems like a lot, but if you purchase classics like these over a year or two, you’ll be set for years!

Budget suits:

I’ve had good luck over the years with suits from Old Navy and Target.

I love this Navy Paisley tankini from Old Navy, if you’re looking to liven things up with patterns.

If your tummy is your problem area, I highly recommend a tankini with a swing top, like this from J Crew. I bought a similar tankini from Target for my post-baby summer and it was so comfy, was easy to nurse in and hid my postpartum tummy nicely.

Perhaps you’d like to swim in a diaper? (Can I get a WHAT??!!)

513IUEET+pL._AA260_I bought this dotted tankini for the summer. I wanted something strapless, so I wouldn’t have tan lines to worry about for my sister’s wedding this summer. And, while I always wear bikinis at the beach, I feel weird wearing a bikini to the little kiddie pool at the Y 🙂 So I almost always go with a tankini. I bought both pieces on sale, so for under $30, I got a super cute suit!

These Bandeau Shirred One-Pieces are adorable! And since they’re from Target, buy two! Ooo – it comes in a tankini! And polka dots! And this one is so cute – it looks like a dress! I love it!

Investment suits:
Unless you swim every single day, your swimsuit will probably last several years with proper care. So it might be worth investing in a really nice, classic suit that will last you awhile instead of buying a new suit every year.

Spanx has a line of swimwear now that not only is really cute, but slim you as well! I would get this Bandeau One Piece, since the ruffles would provide some interest in an area where I was not abundantly blessed:
There are some really, really cute ones at
Anthropologie, if you want a more unique look (since is it me or does every other mom at the pool have the Lands End Tankini?). This Mariana one-piece is fabulous! The polka dot pattern is fun and the shape mimics the wrap dress with its draping ruffle, which looks great on so many body types. For a similar look without the ruffle and polka dots, try this suit from J Crew. Athleta has gorgeous swimsuits that will last for years. The Batik flower swim series is really pretty, but I think the Indian Swirl Bowback Tankini is my favorite!

Lands End is always a great bet as well. They also have a line of slimming suits (try the Carmela Slender Swimsuit – absolutely classic). I love their mix and match collection – the swim skirts have tummy control as well. The Faille Empire Tankini is my absolute favorite. If it came in my size, I would be all over this!

You can read more posts about fashion and family on Melissa’s blog, Girlymama.

BOGO Admission Coupon to Monkey Joe’s

April 22, 2010
(Click on the image above to print)
(The fine print…This coupon is valid with equal or lesser value, cannot be combined with any other offers and is not valid on Saturdays or holidays)

Woo-hoo for Monkey Joe’s super fun inflatable bounce, slide and jump play center, located at

84 Glocker Way in Pottstown.

Click here for detailed directions on information on the awesome Birthday Party Packages.

This Mama Needs A Make Over – Essays written by the Five Finalists

April 22, 2010

Our Mother’s Day Make Over Contest continues… Below are the fabulous essays written by the five finalists for the Chester County Moms Needs a Make Over Contest…. Please read them and vote in the poll ( The poll is located to the right of this post) on your favorite. The essay with the most votes will be the winner.

Thank You for voting and a special thanks to our wonderful sponsors that picked the finalists and are giving one lucky Chester County Mom a Mother’s Day to remember!

Good luck to all of the finalists!
Essay #1:
For the past year and half, my family has been completely turned upside. My husband found out he has some health issues going on along with our two year old daughter. Months have been spent in physician’s offices and hospitals seeking treatment and trying to get both of them back ‘in shape’ In addition to all of this, I am trying to hold down a full time job and be the rock for my husband and mother to my daughter. My career is extremely intense and stressful and requires long hours away from my family in addition to the 25 mile commute from home to the Philly Office. Last week, I looked in the mirror and could not believe the person I was looking at was me!! I have put my family and career first and forgot about myself over the last 18 monts. Now that my husband has his medical issues under control and my daughter has had surgery and doing so much better; now I can focus on me!!! I hope I am selected as the winner of the this wonderful prize as it would be wonderful to have someone do something for me since I am always the one giving and doing for others. Not to mention, my hair is so out of shape and style that is making it’s own fashion statement.
Essay #2
I sooooo want this makeover. This upcoming year I have some key events happening in my life: my younger sister is getting married in June, my 10 year wedding anniversary is this September and next March (I know it’s far away) I will be 40. I can’t stop thinking about that part. I would love a new look and change because I feel like I’ve been in a rut for a long, long time. I’ve had the same hair and really old clothes forever. For case in point, I thought I would share with you my clothing and makeup woes for the past couple days to give you a sample of what I go through. Once you read it, then just multiply it by years and years and you’ll get the picture.
Saturday, April 3 – I’m looking for speed and comfort when getting ready for the day, there is t-ball in the morning and then fishing in the afternoon. I pull back my wet hair with one of my kid’s hair scrunchies. It’s a white fuzzy thing. I lather on moisturizer on my face and anti- cellulite cream on my belly hoping to stop the signs of aging .Two kids later and my belly looks like an orange peel. I put on a t-shirt and some jean Capri pants that if I’m not careful with may show some crack. Why can’t I find a pair of pants that fit right, and why do they seem to be so low? To fix this problem I throw on my reversible belt to help with the pant situation. Did I mention that my belt is broken? It’s about to break any time but I still have it. I like the belt because it’s black on one side and brown on the other. I then throw on my one dollar flip flops and am ready for the day. As I get out of the door I notice that I have a couple of chipped nails but ignore it. Got to go.
Sunday, April 4. – It’s Easter and a day to get dressed up especially since we are having family over. I look in my closet and try to find something to wear. I don’t really have many dresses. Maybe two. I decide to not wear one dress that I had in mind because I think I wore it last time we got together. Plus there is a photo of me wearing the same dress already. It seems like I tend to wear the same clothes over and over again and if you look thru photos you’ll see the same pattern of clothes. I need something new. I finally decide to wear a floral skirt and pink top. It looks all right, but I feel like my belly is sticking out. I look for my underwear that sucks everything in, but it is no where to be found. Did my kids take it? I have no idea where it is. I look in the closet and some drawers and it’s gone. Missing. I will just suck in my belly when I walk around I guess. Next for make-up. I add a bit more than just the moisturizer and do foundation and some eye shadow too. That’s it. Pretty simple. As I’m peering at my face and wrinkles I notice a hair on my chin. Where are these coming from and why am I finding hairs on strange places? Just the other week my youngest said that, “you have fur on your chin.” I just about died. I pluck the hair and then that’s it. I still have the chip nails…
So that’s it. I could write more as I go thru my fashion woes but I feel like I would be writing forever. Please help me out. I need it.
Essay #3
I have been blessed with 4 beautiful children ages 6,5,3,and 1 yrs old. I am a RN,at Paoli Hospital in Labor and Delivery,helping to bring new life into the world. Raising my children is a priority,and most of my time is spent with them. I often hear “this time goes too fast”,so without regret,I work weekends and nights to be at home with my children during the day.We make the ‘most’ of our time by catching frogs, salamanders, painting, playing princess dressup,blowing bubbles and drawing pokemon figures and rainbows with sidewalk chalk. My kids love the outdoors and love to go on ‘adventures’.If I could bottle their energy I would.I returned to school full time at night since May 2009 to pursue my BSN at WCU and will graduate next month.My husband works full time and is currently working on a Doctorate in History. Due to lack of time and money,I place myself very low on the priority list.My wardrobe consists of t-shirts,sweatpants,and sneakers just about every day.To cut back on expenses,I use coupons,cut everyone’s hair in the house(including our dog, Dr.Evil), shop at consigment and thrift stores for clothing, do my own house repairs,and dry my clothes using solar energy(the outdoor clothes line).I recently have been exhibiting symtoms of hair loss,extreme fatigue,inability to lose weight and have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, requiring treatment. I would love to be the lucky mom that wins the makover contest, but in a way feel selfish, knowing that there are other moms with more chaotic lives than myself. Too bad there will only be one winner.
Essay #4:
Boy, does this Mama ever need a makeover! I am a thirty three years old stay at home mother of two children, ages two and six. I have a wonderful life with a great husband and perfect children but I could really use some help with my appearance. I recently pulled out an album of pictures from when my husband and I were dating and I barely recognized myself!
Everyday I wear the same thing- some type of athletic clothes with sneakers or flip flops. I spend all day with the kids and I have a husband who is ALWAYS working so I started wearing what is comfortable each and every day. I have not lost the “baby” weight from my second born (is it still baby weight when they are 2??) and I could definitely use some help finding clothes that do not have a Nike symbol or an elastic waist! My daughter actually asks me when I wear jeans or khakis, “Why are you dressed so fancy today?”. As I mentioned my husband works a lot, so I usually have to take the kids with me to all my hair appointments. Last time I went to my salon, I ended up holding the youngest on my lap the entire time and haven‘t been back since! I have been getting quick cuts at the walk ins welcome type of salons and my hair is almost long enough now to rock the mom ponytail (one half won’t stay in but I keep trying). I haven’t had a hair cut I liked in about two years and my do it yourself color is not so hot either!
Makeup? Where do I start? I do not wear make up on a daily basis and on my rare night out, I wear some bronzer and eye liner. My lovely daughter (who is not used to me in any makeup) calls my going out look “Scary Eyes”. Obviously, I am not doing something right!
I would love a makeover and some pampering. I spend all day, every day with my children and love my life but I could use a jump start to feeling more confident in my appearance. I spend most of my days car pooling, driving to swim practice, and doing household chores. A day at the salon, shopping, and eating a wonderful dinner would be a dream come true. I am stuck in a rut and I am ready for a change! Thank you for reading my story and a big thanks to Chester County Moms and the local businesses for offering such a wonderful package!

Essay #5:
Why do I need a makeover? Where do I start??? Well, first off I spend most of my time looking like a man! I am a police officer and wear a bullet proof vest all the time. My work attire is not so form flattering! Other than that I live in sweats. I have such a bad body image. My whole life has been a struggle with my weight. Food is my weakness! Over the past couple years I gained a ton of weight and none of my clothes fit me. I wasn’t going to sit back and feel sorry for myself, so in October I dedicated myself to making a change. Through a healthy diet and exercise I lost 50 pounds. Although my smaller sized clothes fit me again, I still wear sweats all the time. I feel bigger than I am now, and so I still have my insecurities.
I need to take better care of myself! I spend all day taking care of other people, and when the day is done I have no time for me! I am 30 years old and have 2 precious children who take up the rest of my time. My husband and I work opposite shifts, so I come home from work and it’s straight to Mom time with no help! I can’t complain about my kids – I wouldn’t change them for the world! I would just like a little break every once in a while!!!
I would like to feel pretty, and take some time to be selfish. My hair is so long, with new grays popping out daily. I really need some highlights and a nice shape. My feet need some TLC! Wearing waterproof steel-toe boots daily doesn’t make for pretty feet! I know that there are a LOT of women out there with my same circumstances, and some who might have worse. I’m asking for a shot at a day of relaxation and a boost in my self image. I honestly give constantly and do believe that I deserve this! Thank you for having this competition and considering me to win. Mothers are overworked, underpaid, overstressed, and under pampered. It’s nice to recognize them!

How does your school district rate?

April 21, 2010

The Philadelphia Inquirer has just released it’s school report for the year. How do your schools compare with other districts? It is important not only for the quality of education of your children but it also helps determine the value of your home when/if you move. Visit the following link for information on your schools –

Thank You Clair Richards of RE/MAX Professional Realty, Inc. for this information.

Bounce for Autism Fundraiser

April 20, 2010
Bounce For Autism Fundraiser
Thursday, April 22

Pay as much or as little as you would like at the door. 100% of proceeds will be donated to the Autism Society. (The suggested donation is $10 per child, but any amount is greatly appreciated).

Everyone is sure to have a great Bouncing, Sliding, Racing Time, but please note that all bouncers must be at least 34″ tall to play on inflatables. Socks and Signed Waiver required. This is not a Drop-Off event. Parent or Guardian must remain with their children at all times.

This event is being held at Pump it Up in West Chester, 540 E. Union Street, Suites G, H, IWest Chester, PA 19382610-918-9180

Tasty Tuesday

April 20, 2010

A meal is not complete without dessert, so from time to time, I’d like to stray from the entree end of things, and present a tasty treat recipe in its place! My friend told me about this phenomenon of a recipe several years ago. Upon finishing her statement, I shook my head in disbelief. There was no way her recipe would work. I was pretty sure that, as a scientific fact, it was not physically possible. She assured me that her mother has been using this recipe for years, and it turns out perfectly every time.

So, more out of sheer curiosity than anything, I tried the recipe out myself. I considered myself a culinary scientist, and this was my latest experiment. And wouldn’t you know, the dessert turned out just right? This is why I do not have a degree in science. Or baking.

My top 5 reasons for trying this recipe out:

1) It’s fun.

2) It goes against science. And we all like being rebels.

3) Because it’s a bit odd, you can have some fun in the kitchen with your kids while trying it out

4) It’s super simple. I like having this on hand, just in case I have to quickly throw together a dessert

5) I was quite surprised to find out this dessert is remarkably good! Yum!

So without further ado…


Cola Cake

1 boxed Chocolate Cake Mix

1 can of diet Coke (or Pepsi. Or your favorite generic Cola)

Empty cake mix into a bowl. Open the soda can, and pour over cake. DO NOT use any of the other ingredients the box tells you to use. ONLY the soda. Mix. Pour cake into 2 8-inch or 9-inch cake pans (will also work with a 13×9-inch pan). Bake as directed on box.


Does that not BLOW YOUR MIND?? And let me tell you, this cake comes out SUPER moist and incredibly tasty. If you don’t believe me, you will have to try it for yourself.

For the Adventurous Bakers, I have been told this also works with vanilla/yellow cake mix and 1 can of cream soda. I have not tried it myself, but far be it by me to withhold this information from those of you who are willing to attempt it.

PS – if you try it, PLEASE let me know how it turns out!

Have a great week!

You can read more about Steph and her recipes at her other blog, Confessions of a Stay-At-Home Mom.