It’s time to wish goodbye to 2008 and welcome a new year, full of promise and possibility. It’s customary to make resolutions at this time of year — although not always customary to KEEP them!

This year, we have modest proposals for some resolutions that might be more rewarding (and easier) to keep than trying to lose 30 pounds or keep a balanced checkbook. Check our list and see if there’s something here that could make your own New Year a special one.

Have a Green New Year — Make 2009 a year to take care of the Earth — it can be easy with a few simple tips to make your daily routine a little greener, from toting your own mug to recycling greeting cards. Keep reading for more “Going Green” tips throughout the year from our “Going Green” blogger, Shannon.

Family Time
— Finding time for family can be tough when we juggle so many commitments. In 2009, resolve to put family front and center, whether it’s through a family game night or gathering the gang to make crafts the whole family can enjoy. Time together costs nothing — but it’s a priceless gift to the people you love.

Help Others — Times may be tight right now for many of us, but there are ways to make a difference that don’t cost a dime. A resolution to volunteer more in 2009 can make a difference to lives in your community — and add warmth and meaning to your year. Reading to children at your local school, wrapping toys for an organization like Toys for Tots, serving meals to the homeless — there are opportunities right next door, wherever you might be.

Try Something New
— Whether it’s the trip you have always dreamed of or a new craft project. Resolve to explore a new experience or two in the New Year.

Have Fun! — New Year’s resolutions don’t have to be painful or ambitious. Sometimes the best resolutions are the easiest to keep! A new year gives us 365 opportunities to laugh, explore, and enjoy, so resolve to take advantage of them. Whether it’s watching a favorite movie, visiting a place that you’ve always dreamed of, or just gathering with friends and family, make this year special by doing more of the things that give you joy.

However you choose to spend this sparkling New Year, we wish you health, happiness, and joy in 2009.

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