Hi Ladies…

One of the CCM “Mom Panel” Moms received this email from a writer from the Philadelphia Inquirer looking to interview moms for an upcoming article. Thought you might be interested.

My name is Jennifer Bails, and I am a freelance health and science writer for the Philadelphia Inquirer. I have been assigned a story for the style section of the paper due Jan. 26 exploring which options are available to couples who hope to choose the sex of their babies (e.g. diet, timing, IVF), and I am searching for moms and/or pregnant women in the Philadelphia area who would be willing to discuss this topic with me. I am actually a new mom myself of two girls, and I work from my home in Pittsburgh, which makes it hard to find people in the Philly area — I came across your blog and thought perhaps you might be willing to talk with me for my story or pass along my contact information to some of your mommy friends?! I can be reached at jennifer.bails@gmail.com

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