Amber form Bumber’s, Shares her Super.. DIY Super Hero Cape Idea

For B’s birthday, I really wanted to make a super hero cape for his super hero birthday party.  Like many other families right now, I’m trying to cut costs and be more economical in my gift giving. I pinned all different types of capes, but still wasn’t sure which one to make. I stopped into Joann’s quickly one day and happened upon this awesome Superman fleece material in the remnant bin!  It was under $5 for a little over a yard. I started out with this pinterest pattern since it was fleece material. I definitely did not want the “no sew” option with raw edges.  I wanted something durable enough for a rough four year old boy.  I remembered that I had a decent sized piece of red flannel in my fabric stash and thought I could back it with that.  I cut out the fleece first using her measurements. 

  • B is about a 4t-5t in shirt size.  I cut a rectangle that measured 23″ high and 21″ wide and folded it in half and cut the cape out that way, so both sides matched (at least before I sewed it).
  • I then laid the fleece on top of the red flannel and cut out another cape.  There was no need for pinning since those fabric types stick together well.
  • I then faced rights sides in and straight stitched  around the edges to sew the fleece and flannel together, leaving about 2″ of the seam open for turning the cape right side out.
  • I turned it right side out and ironed the seams down as well as possible.  I then straight-stitched again around the whole outside of the cape to reinforce the seams.
  • I cut out an additional “S” out of the fleece material and sewed that on to the red side of the material using a zig zag stitch, nothing fancy!
  • The last step was adding the velcro at the neck.  I should have hand-stitched that, because my machine freaked out about the velcro and I had to undo the mess several times.
Tada, a reversible cape!  
It’s not perfect, but he loves it and wears it almost every day, if I let him.
A blog written by a mom of two children by way of open adoption where she writes about adoption, mom life, running and any other ramblings that come to mind!

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