Brad’s Second Chance at Love

We watched Monday night as Brad Womack made a second attempt at finding a wife by choosing between single mom Emily Maynard and divorcee Chantal O’Brien. This was Brad’s second season as the Bachelor. The first season he was on he did not choose anyone and received a huge amount of backlash because of it. I still don’t understand this. If out of 25-30 women, he could not find someone he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, in the words of Fred Armisen as Joy Behar, “so what, who cares”. I didn’t see the harm in it, and actually I thought that was the highlight of that season. Brad not choosing either girl showed a change in the predictability of the show. It showed it didn’t matter who got out of the limo first, or who was wearing a white dress… they both could be sent packing. I thought it was a good ending, but then, Brad decided to come back again.

At the end of the finale on Monday, Emily and Brad looked like an ecstatic newly engaged couple. Except that was not the end… we still had “After the Final Rose”, airing immediately after the Bachelor finale, although filmed three months later in actual time. Brad and Emily explained that since the finale they have broken up, gotten back together, and had a bunch of fights (almost every Monday night) in between. They were not living together and not planning a wedding. Emily even came out and wasn’t wearing the ring, (Brad ended up giving it to her later in the show, mumbling something about getting it resized and now this moment meant more putting it on her finger…hmmm… whatever).

I have to say I loved Emily over the entire season and I loved her even more after the “After the Final Rose”. Emily is not this sweet as pie southern belle, she has flair and fire, she is tough and I love it! I think that is why Brad is fighting so hard to keep her now. I also have to fully respect that she is a mom first. She may only be 24 years old, but Emily is wise beyond her years and has a 5 year old daughter to worry about. She is not just dating Brad, she is not just making sure he will make a good boyfriend, or even husband, she is looking for him to be a good role model and father figure to her daughter. She is very tough on Brad and I don’t blame her one bit. I loved Emily’s attitude throughout the entire show. I think the Bachelor is built on these women trying to prove they are right for Brad, but when you are a mom, like in Emily’s case, (or even Jason’s season, as a Dad) you are more concerned with who will be good for your children, so the tables somewhat turn because Brad needs to prove he is good for Emily and her daughter Ricki.

So as one season has now ended, we are forced to look to the next. Monday night on Jimmy Kimmel, Ashley Herbert (the third runner up) revealed what a lot of us were hoping for, that she would be the next Bachelorette.

Being from Philly I have to say I was disappointed when they did her hometown date and I was so excited to see the Philadelphia area on the show again, and she ends up in her hometown in Maine. Ashley is actually a dental student at the University of Pennsylvania (fourth year grad student, way to go Ash!); she said she will be returning in the fall. Ashley also told Jimmy she had only been on about five dates in three years, so she will definitely be making up for some lost time. I am already excited for May, where I will be cursing the show and loving every second of it.

Ashley lives in Bucks County with her husband, their two children, and their shih tzu. Ashley worked in television production for years and now enjoys writing about television, movies, and parenting topics. For more TV, film, and entertainment info check out

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