Join the Revolution!

Are you watching Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution? I am! Not only is Jamie Oliver totally adorable, but the guy knows what he is talking about!

After watching just one episode I am joining the revolution! Watching the first episode made me think long and hard about all the “junk” my family eats. I like quick foods and my pantry and freezer are jammed packed while my fridge is kinda on the empty side. There are fruits and veggies, but not nearly enough.

I plan on documenting my healthy eating efforts in a daily food journal and hope you will share some of the things you are doing to support “the revolution”.

Week One: I have substituted my kids normal mid day snack of crackers, popcorn or pretzels with fresh fruit and raw baby carrots.

Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution airs on ABC at 9:00PM on Friday. If you missed an episode of Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution you can watch the full episode online at

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