I heart my ipod!

My ipod is one of my very favorite things in there whole entire world. I have it on a docking station in the kitchen and my kids and I rock out every morning before school to get the day started, I sing my little heart out while the kids are napping and I am working around the house or playing facey-book, and then every night at while I am making dinner…evening concert.

Music is such an important part of my life. I have playlists for just about everything and any mood. Ones that energize me, relax me, take me back to my childhood, teens, early 20’s (although that wasn’t too long ago, sing I am 29 and holding- wink, wink). I used to have hundreds of CD’s..hundreds! Pre- kids, I spent a lot of time in the car for work and music got me through the day. My CD’s were in CD binders, but somehow always ended up under my seats, in the glove box, side door pocket, they were everywhere. I always thought it was silly that I was carting around my entire music library in the car, but I was in sales and never knew what the day would bring, what kind of mood I would be in or when I would need a little pick me up or a little Dave Matthews to relax after a stressful meeting. I loved my CD’s. If I liked a song I would buy the CD. Doing that is how I fell in love with DMB. I liked “Crash”, bought the CD and 14 years and 10 concerts later. Dave Matthews is my all time favorite.

When I met my husband I had a teeny tiny cute little 2 seater. Throw in my work stuff, CD collection and other random stuff (shoes, shopping bags, camera bag) and there wasn’t much for him, or if I drove he had to hold a big old CD binder on his lap. Not so comfy.
The first present he ever bought me was my ipod. He had the majority of my CD’s downloaded and that began my love affair with my ipod…oh, and yeah, my husband.

Anyway… long story short, the reason that I started this whole ode to my ipod post….. my husband would like his own ipod for Valentine’s Day. He and I have WAY different taste in music. While I am crunchy 90’s Rock, Old School Hip- Hop with a punch of modern pop. He is 80’s pop with a touch of modern pop & hip hop.

He has a playlist on my ipod, but he rarely gets a chance to listen to it. He borrows my ipod when he goes to the gym, but I am always nervous he is going to lose it or break it. ( he has a track record for losing & breaking stuff) The minute he walks in the door, I ask for it right away and make sure it is okay. Silly, I know, but that is how much I love my ipod.. can you imagine the freak I must be about my kids? um, yeah!

So.. I am thinking it is time for hubs to get his own ipod… it will be a “come full circle gift”. He bought me my first ipod, I bought him his.

I was searching ipod prices today and looked on Amazon today and found a pretty Awesome Ipod Deal and wanted to share it with you. I scored an ipod Nano for $139. I saved $43!!!!

So.. hopefully my husband won’t read this post before Valentine’s Day and know what I got him, but just incase he does… Happy Valentine’s Day! Enjoy your ipod…and DON’T LOSE IT!

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