Chester County Employees Dance to Raise Awareness about Heart Disease in Women

In celebration of National Wear Red Day on Friday, February 5th, over 100 Chester County employees participated in a Wear Red Day dance video choreographed to the Black Eyed Peas song “I Gotta Feeling”. Initiated by the Chester County Employee Wellness team and the Chester County Health Department, the video was produced to inspire other businesses, as well as family, friends and co-workers to wear red and raise awareness about heart disease on National Wear Red Day.

According to the Chester County Health Department, more women die of cardiovascular disease than the next five causes of death combined, including cancer. “One in three women has some form of cardiovascular disease and many of us know at least one of these women,” said Margaret Rivello, Director of the Chester County Health Department. “We want to remind women – and men – to make small, simple choices that will help them live longer, healthier lives.”

Chester County’s Employee Wellness Committee and the Health Department encourage all businesses and organizations to support Go Red Day. Fundraising, hosting heart-healthy luncheons, coordinating a lunchtime group walk or scheduling a heart disease workshop for employees are all great ways to raise awareness and join the fight in the number-one killer for women – as well as men. On Friday, all Chester County employees will be encouraged to “dress down” in red and make a donation to the Go Red Day effort.

The County Health Department reminds everyone that heart disease can affect anyone, and if you take care of your heart, it will take care of you. Although February 5th is Go Red Day for Women, make every day healthy heart day.

Be sure to view the Chester County Go Red Dance Video and share it with
everyone you care about.

YouTube address –

For more information on cardiovascular disease, visit the Chester County Health Department or the American Heart Association Go Red for Women.

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