Tasty Tuesdays

Today’s Tasty Tuesdays idea isn’t quite so “tasty” but it’s still all about using the kitchen & ingredients to stir up some fun for the little ones!

We’re going to make some homemade play dough! Oh…and it’s waaaaaay better than that stinky ‘name brand’ stuff – it’s softer, smoother and lasts so much longer (and smells yummy too)! This is a great activity to do with or for your little ones.

Here’s what you’ll need & how to make the dough:
(don’t worry…a parent was helping & supervising the whole event…one one was hurt at the stove!)

Sift together & put in a saucepan:

1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
2 TB cream of tartar

Add to saucepan:
1-2 TB vegetable oil
1 cup of water (add food coloring to water…just a few drops will do)
A Few Drops of Vanilla Extract – or other flavored extracts

Whisk together until smooth and thick (low-medium heat). The mixture will be a little sticky until it cools. Place the “blob” of dough on wax paper to cool (about 30 minutes). Keep in an airtight container (deli containers work well). The play dough should keep for several weeks if kept in air tight container – ours usually lasts for months!

I usually send my kids out to the deck to play freely with their play dough in the lovely summer sun!

Have Fun!

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