Hospital Open Visitation: A Necessary Invitation for Family and Friends

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“Perhaps the question to be answered is who is visiting whom?” This quote from Dr. Donald M. Berwick, former Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, strikes a chord with any family member or friend who has to leave the side of a loved one as hospital visiting hours come to a close.

Who is the visitor in this situation?
The hospital is the guest, the true visitor in any family-patient relationship.
Patient visitation has been a hot health care topic in recent years because of one question – how does the presence of family and loved ones affect care? The Chester County Hospital is embracing Open Visitation and the concept of family-centered care. Based on evidence and research, the change will be made in order to treat patients and their loved ones as a whole. Having support from family and loved ones in an environment of health and safety is important to patient healing and overall well-being.
What do patients think about Open Visitation?
“The presence of family and loved ones provides an opportunity to improve recovery and healing for our patients,” shares Tina Maher, Director of Telemetry/PINU/CCS at The Chester County Hospital. “It is fundamental to a patient-centered approach to our care.”
Your family and loved ones know you best, after all. They know what you like to eat, how to make you most comfortable and can keep you company – what’s not to like?
When can I visit?
Open Visitation is the response to so many questions asked by both patients and family members.
“I have to work all day. When can I visit my father?”
“I really wish my daughter could have breakfast with me.”
“We take care of mom at home. Why can’t we help while she’s in the hospital?”

The ability to come and go freely is a choice family members and loved ones now have, with the understanding that rest has a significant impact on the healing process. Together, families and medical staff can continue to provide the compassionate and quality care each patient deserves. Click here for full guidelines on Open Visitation at The Chester County Hospital.

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