Old-fashioned Sodas and Old-fashioned Service at Franklin Fountain


Ice cream in winter time? Why, of course, especially if it’s homemade ice cream from Franklin Fountain. What more could a kid want? Unless they’re looking for a hot malted milkshake with a marshmallow on top or a 3 scoop banana split with the works.

While my children and I were in Philly this past weekend, we ended our time with a trip to Franklin Fountain located at 1st and Market Street. Walking into the shop was an amazing experience! Dressed in period costume, the staff were friendly and helpful. When I changed my order from eat-in to take-out back to eat-in, the staff went with the flow.


Franklin Fountain sources their ingredients locally and strives to create old-fashioned sodas just like your grandparents used to enjoy. If you have dietary restrictions, don’t worry; Franklin Fountain has flavors for vegans, gluten-free, and nondairy folks, too.


When you’re finished, don’t forget a stop next store at Shane Confectionary, also run by the Berley brothers, proprietors of Franklin Fountain. Talk about an old-fashioned candy shop! My kids were dazzled by the array of lollipop, jelly beans, and the like on one side of the store, and chocolate candies on the other side. Of course, we had to bring home lollipops for all the kids, homemade jelly beans for my hubby, and malted milk balls for me. I was told the Easter candy would be available at the beginning of March.

The Franklin Fountain aims to serve an experience steeped in ideals, drizzled with drollery, and sprinkled with the forgotten flavors of the American past.

Franklin Fountain
No. 116 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Open Monday through Sunday: 12 AM to 12 PM
Cash Only

Shane Confectionary
No. 110 Market Street
Philadelphia PA, 19106

Barb is a mom of 5 kids who spends her day keeping track of socks, stuffed animals, library books, and a 4 year old when she isn’t writing about all the frugality, gardening, cooking, and reading she manages to fit in between the chaotic moments. She can be found at A Life in Balance, Frugal Local Kitchen, or on Twitter with daily doses of life in 140 characters or less.

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