Please help find Ruby the Missing Boston Terrier from West Chester

UPDATE! February 6, 2013.. 

  As a fellow Boston Terrier Family, I am posting to help spread the word of Ruby the Missing Boston Terrier from West Chester. ~Sarah

Ruby is a 4 year old, 21lb Boston Terrier. She is Black and White and sports a pink collar. She is very sweet and gentle and definitely will not bite. She went missing on January 24th but there have been a ton of kind people that have called us to let her know she has been seen on a daily basis. She is not used to my house and neighborhood as I have only had her for a very short period of time. She is much more accustomed to her mom’s house which is further out in Downingtown. She has been seen all over the place but seems to spotted daily between Mary C. Howse Elementary school, Spackman Lane and Grove Avenue (not Grove Road – Grove Avenue is the neighborhood just passed the Deli Grove on Whitford Road. She is seen on all 4 of the roads off of Grove Avenue almost daily. But she has been seen as far away as Copeland School Road, Sunset Hallow Road, Valley Creek Road, Grubs Mill Road, Harmony Hill, Brandywine, Southern Drive and Sunset Lane.

For up to date info and recent photos, like Ruby’s Facebook page:


• WHAT SHOULD I DO IF I SEE RUBY – Call me (Pat) at 610-212-7935. If you want to call for her that is fine, but she mostly likely run as she has been doing to date. DO NOT CHASE – she is very fast as those who have chased her before can attest. PLEASE CALL US ON EVERY SIGHTING. It is important for us to know where (address), when and what directions she travelled from and too.

• HOW LONG HAS SHE BEEN MISSING – Since Thursday, January 24th

• WHERE HAS SHE BEEN SEEN – Most sightings (daily sightings) have occurred up and down Spackman and also Polo Run, Bridle Path and Grove Avenue. Secondary sightings have come at Lennon Way and Grovenor Court and also over at Mary C. Howse. Other location sightings – Whitford Road, Grove Road, Boot Road (very busy roads so that scares me). Copeland School Road, Brandywine Avenue, Samuel and Sunset Lane. Sunset Hallow, Valley Creek Road, Knob Hill and Harmony Hill.

• WHERE ARE YOU GETTING ADVICE FROM – Mostly from Local, statewide and national Rescue organizations and kind hearted people with experience tracking lost dogs and some that really know the Boston breed. ****MANY HAVE HELPED US COME UP WITH THE PLAN OF ATTACK WHICH INCLUDES OUR STANCE ON THE NEXT FEW BULLET POINTS.

• CAN I WALK AROUND AND LOOK FOR HER – No, spot by car only. Please do not walk through any neighbors’ yards. Although most are sympathetic and very willing to help – there are those that have called the West Whiteland Police and I have had to have conversations with officers, who are also sympathetic but still need to do their job. Others have yelled to get off their property – no trespassing and other not so kind words 90% are great, 10% are not. The more foot traffic in these areas the more that 90% will go down. I don’t want to upset those that are on Ruby’s side.

• HOW DO WE EXPECT TO CATCH HER THEN – Traps. There are currently 4 traps placed in the areas she has been spotted the most. Another reason Foot traffic may not be the right approach is because it could drive her away from this area where she has some sort of comfort level. We have had many people out walking around and many spottings but she is incredibly quick and will run if she hears voices or even the crackling of the leaves. Besides we know where she frequents so we don’t need to drive her out.

• WHAT’S IN THE TRAPS – In 3 traps we have a 3 tiered approach. [1] Food (which consists of smelly foots like wet dog food, liverwurst, bacon, sausage and canned ravioli. Sometimes we put hotdogs and other treats. We also line up the inside of the trap with various foods as well. Not too much but hopefully she just puts her head down and goes in. We also make a broth with chicken/beef and the other items listed above. It really stinks. We can pour the broth as far as we want in a line to get her sniffing the trail and into the trap. [2] The trap floor is lined in a towel that should smell like us and other items that would have our scent on it and Ruby’s toys as well. When I say our scent I mean me, her mom’s stuff, the kids stuff and our other dogs stuff. [3] The traps are wrapped in dark green blankets that will add warmth and act as a shelter if she wants it.

• CAN I BRING OTHER DOGS – This approach has been tried and has not worked. We may do it again this weekend with her pal Rosie, but I don’t want people to bring dogs now because I don’t want people taking their dogs on other people’s properties.

• LET’S CREATE A HUMAN FENCE AND CORRAL HER INTO A PLACE WHERE WE CAN CATCH HER – She is way too fast and is constantly mobile during the day. This is a massive area she covers with really tricky terrain. A friend of mine from back in my Drexel days, a very smart engineer, estimated that it would take about 800 – 1500 to do it effectively and if she is not in the circle to start with, then we are out of luck.

• SINCE SHE WON’T COME TO STRANGERS WHEN SHE IS CALLED, WILL SHE COME TO HER OWNERS – That remains to be seen. I have only seen her a handful of times and most times I was much too far away from her or she was already running. Her mom saw her for the first time yesterday and called for her but was so far away that Ruby didn’t recognize her.

• WHAT’S RUBY’S HOME LIFE LIKE – I have known Ruby since she was a puppy but did not live at my house. She lived in West Brandywine until she moved in with me a couple of days before she went missing. Ruby has a loving mother and 3 boys in her home. She also is used to cats and dogs as she shared a home with 1 dog and 2 cats.

• WHAT IS RUBY LIKE – She is a very quiet and loving dog. She loves to snuggle. She will not bite. She is a shy dog by nature and is also skittish which is holding true while she is on the run. There are no cute words or words for treats that she comes to. Ruby has a pink collar that is very loose to begin with so we hope it stays on her. She is lightning fast which is surprising to all that see her run because she is small. Ruby very rarely barks like many Boston’s. She is currently walking with a limp but running with no limp. Although recently people have said she is not using her hind leg at all to run or walk.

• WHERE IS SHE GETTING FOOD – I don’t know but she must have a food source somewhere. There are tons of animal people in these areas with lots of outdoor cats so that is one thought. She still has a ton of energy so she is eating some things, some where.

• WHERE IS SHE SLEEPING – Personally, I think she lays down in a few different places. We have one place in mind in a barn that we laid a trap out last night (Monday, 2/4). She is obviously finding shelter during this brutally cold two weeks.

• WHAT CAN I DO TO HELP – Keep spreading the word about Ruby. Keep driving around spotting her so we will know if she is moving away from an area into a new one. DO NOT spot late at night or use spot lights, etc. DO NOT walk through people’s yards or disturb the traps. We know where she is during the day for now, so there is no need to look late at night. Most neighbors are on the lookout and will find her if she is sleeping on their property. 

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