Contributors Wanted!!!!

Do you have something to say? Would like to let our readers know what you’re up to, where you’re going, what you’re doing? Would you like to become a contributor on If so, here are a few simple guidelines on what you need to do to get the job done!

What we are looking for:
  • Original content, not previously posted on another blog.
  • Community Events contributors – helping to keep the community calendar jam packed with fun family events.
  • Are you a traveling Mom? Share your best travel stories and advice with other moms.
  • A “Day in the Life” type of post.. something that all moms can relate to.
  • Are you a working Chester County Mom? You could write a post about finding the balance between work & home.
  • Different parenting perspectives:
  • Home Decor – Give moms ideas on how to jazz up their homes
  • DIY Moms – Share your DIY tales
  • Gardening Moms – share gardening tips

The ideal contributor is:

  • A mom who has lots to share with the Chester County Mom readers
  • Can commit to a minimum of 2 posts/month

You do not need to be an experienced blogger…If we feel that your writing sample would make a nice addition to Chester County Moms, we will train you in the ways of “the blog”. It is super easy to post and who knows…you may even want to start your own personal/family blog. It’s a really fun way to document your daily activities.
* This is not a paying position, but we share lots of fun opportunities and the occasional swag with our contributors.

If you would like to join the Chester County Mom Team please click here to complete our contributor application.
Please keep in mind that we are looking for “G” rated content and although we appriciate your opinion we have an obligation to our readers to keep a friendly, non-threating, non-political site.

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