Enter for your Chance to Win Zoom! Teeth Whitening at Ufberg Dental, PC

Located in the heart of Berwyn, with easy access to the train, Ufberg Dental, PC, is the premier and up and coming dentist in the Tri-County area. The office is a full service dental office offering luxury and comfortability for every appointment. Massage chairs and  movies help you relax while being cared for by an exceptional staff. Ufberg Dental, PC begins seeing patients as early as 2 yrs old for General Dentistry, as well as addressing any concerns you may have but they also have a full range of Cosmetic Dentistry Services as well; such as Zoom! Tooth Whitening, Crown, Porcelain Veneers, Implants and much more.

Today, a lucky reader has the option to win an in office Zoom! Whitening procedure. What makes the ZOOM! Whitening system different from all the rest? It is the speed at which it delivers results. It is safe, effective, and fast- very fast. In just over an hour your teeth will be dramatically whiter. The ZOOM! Ultraviolet light activated gel is scientifically formulated to gently remove deep stains and discolorations from the teeth. When combined with the light, the gel can whiten the teeth six to ten shades. There is no comparison for someone looking for immediate results. With proper care and an occasional touch-up, your whiter smile will sparkle for years.

For your chance to enter, please include all of the information in the form below. Also, for all new patients, Ufberg Dental, PC has a COUPON for Philly Burb Moms readers! Check out our Shop and Save page for your coupon and call for your appointment today. Don’t forget to follow Ufberg Dental, PC on Facebook for updates.

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