Chester County Rockstars: Dia Doce

I recently had a chance to do an eInterview with Thais da Silva – the mastermind behind the delectable Dia Doce gourmet cupcakes.  You might have seen Thais battle it out (and win!) on Food Network’s Cupcake Wars (check her out on MyFoxPhilly). If not, you might recognize the beautifully decorated Dia Doce Cupcake Truck.  Either way, we think Thais rocks, and we are honoring her as our very first Chester County Rockstars!

Get to know Thais a little better in her interview below…

How long have you been in Chester County?
I grew up in Glenmoore, moved to NYC for a few years and then moved back!

How did you get into the baking business?
I grew up baking in a very organic kitchen and always had a dream of baking for a living. Once we moved back to Chester County we took our dream and ran!

What was your favorite part of being on Cupcake Wars??
The energy! There is never a dull moment!

Which cupcake flavor is your favorite?
Vegan Blueberry Pancake! SO GOOD!

If you could vacation anywhere, where would it be and why?
New Zealand!! I love the outdoors and it looks so beautiful!! 

Which TV show will you not miss under any circumstances?
Boardwalk Empire!

Thanks to Thais for taking the time to share a bit about herself.  And check back soon to meet our next Chester County Rockstar!

Make sure to connect with Dia Doce on Facebook.  

And seriously? GO GET THEE A CUPCAKE!

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