Wednesday Wellness: Newborn Knowledge for New Nana’s … and Gramp’s too!

This healthy post was brought to you by The Chester County Hospital and Health System.
Congratulations! You are going to be a Grandma! Well, maybe not yet … but someday you could get the great news that your family is growing. Are you ready for the challenge?
In today’s family structure, grandparents play a vital role in the lives of their grandchildren. On any given day, Mommom’s are called upon to be baby sitter, chef, chauffeur, concierge, sleep-rocker, rule-setter, storyteller, playmate, cheerleader and moral supporter.
According to, 72% of grandparents take care of their grandchildren on a regular basis and 13% are primary caregivers. Another fact: 6.2 million homes (5.3% of all US households) are now multigenerational, and that number has been increasing. (Source: US Census Bureau 2010).

But as excited as Grammy is to “help out” with the little one, it is important to recognize that a lot of rules have changed in the 20, 30, or 40 years since she raised a child. It is critical for anyone caring for a baby to know the most current child-raising information.
Parenting Examples: Then and Now
  • Then – Parents were told to put babies to sleep on their tummies.
  • Now – For better breathing, always put babies to sleep on their backs. Also, no bumpers, blankets, pillows or other loose items should be in the crib.
  • Then – Doctors felt formula feeding is best for the baby.
  • Now – Because of its nutritional benefits, breastfeeding is strongly encouraged.
Parenting is a whole new ballgame when it comes to car seats, feeding, home safety and much more. But here’s the good news for grandparents-to-be! The Chester County Hospital is now inviting grandparents to sign up for its Newborn Care Class too. All Grandma’s and Grandpa’s, Mommom’s and Poppop’s, Nana’s and Pappy’s welcome!

In the class, you will learn about these modern and other concepts, and other do’s and don’ts of grandparenting. And just think how impressed your son or daughter will be with your modern knowledge. You can then effectively help your son or daughter in their new role as parent, just as you supported them through every step of their own childhood. After all, they’ll always be your ‘baby,’ no matter how old they are.
Newborn Care Class
The 2½-hour class for parents, and now grandparents, covers up-to-date information about caring for the new baby. The program includes infant safety, bathing, diapering, dressing and the needs of the newborn. Participants will have the opportunity for hands-on practice. Grandparents can register at the discounted rate of $10.00 per person. All grandmothers and grandfathers are welcome to sign up for the class, even if their grandchild will live outside the Chester County area.

For information or to register, call The Chester County Hospital Wellness Line at 610.738.2300.

Share your experience. What can you remember your parents doing when you were a child that would break the rules today?


One Response to “Wednesday Wellness: Newborn Knowledge for New Nana’s … and Gramp’s too!”

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