The Change-Up

From the first second I heard about The Change-Up, I knew this would be a movie I would want to see. What is better then Jason Bateman and Ryan Reynolds (two of my favs!) switching bodies and letting chaos ensue??

As we were leaving, two of our 12 year old neighbors were watching the kids. They exclaimed how they would love to see that movie but don’t know if they are allowed since its rated R (these are also two of the sweetest, most innocent girls that don’t even watch “bad” stuff on TV) so after seeing the movie, the first thing I told them was, I don’t care if even your parents say you can see this movie, I am saying you CAN’T… at least not for a few years!

That is not to say it’s not good, I think I was crying I was laughing so hard. It is one of the funniest movies I have even seen. I just would never let a 12 year, or even a 15 year old see it!

It is insanely crude, totally unoriginal, and absolutely hilarious. I think the expectations were extremely low, a movie that has been done again and again, the body switching concept, definitely not new…. But this spin, it is not your same ol’ body switching flick. This will have you laughing from beginning to end.

The Change-Up is about two best friends. Jason Bateman is a workaholic father who is too busy at his law firm to be there for his wife and three children. Ryan Reynolds plays his best friend who is the ultimate bachelor still trying to make it as an actor. Then you need the one fateful night for the ultimate body switch, they get drunk and go to a public fountain where they say “I wish I had your life.”

Then for the wake up the next morning, when they realize they have swapped bodies. To attempt to prevent either of the lives spiraling into complete chaos, they live as each other and actually learn something from the experience.

As Jason and Ryan have explained in interviews, they know the body swapping story has been heard before, so they had to make this time different, as Ryan joked that they did almost everything to get arrested. The film is consistently entertaining, they have a killer cast and I would be shocked if there was one person in the theater that was not hysterically laughing at some point.

Be prepared for some of the most jaw-dropping, shocking scenes and situations in this film. After all it is directed by the same director as the Wedding Crashers and written buy the guys who wrote The Hangover, both of which I loved but be prepared! Some may think it is repulsive or in bad taste, some of it I definitely was cringing, but laughing at the same point. The character development feels genuine and you really start to care about these two guys, they friendship and families.

I really left wanting more of Ryan and Jason. I just love these two guys so much. Jason Batman is perfection as a more straight edge character he has been getting used to playing, which he does very well in the beginning. But he excels after the switch when he has to play the bad boy. Ryan is just as good. His timing is spot on (as always) and he will have you in hysterics.

Ashley lives in Bucks County with her husband, their two children, and their shih tzu. Ashley worked in television production for years and now enjoys writing about television, movies, and parenting topics. For more TV, film, and entertainment info check out

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