Crayola MP3 Player – Product Review

I admit it… I try to avoid being in the car with a 1 year old and a 3 year old. For our family, it’s more the destination than the road that we enjoy. I’m sure in time, when we no longer have dirty diapers or sippy cups and the boys can entertain themselves, this will improve (and also be replaced by some other ‘big kid’ issue). But for now, we have become that car where any trip over an hour means we are strapping on the DVD player to the head rest for the movie zombies in our rear seats.

Enter the Crayola MP3 Player with headphones. While recommended for ages 5 and up, I thought that my 3 year old would enjoy listening to his favorite TV show’s songs on the player. We added the software needed to our Windows laptop to transfer the music to the player and we were set. It was a simple install that lasted only a few minutes.

The real test was my son’s use of the Crayola MP3 Player. I wasn’t too sure if he would respect the device he was holding. He certainly surprised me. He did very well taking care of the player, making sure he wasn’t tangling the cord to the headphones or dropping it – this is remarkable given that my son is the kid that stages his trains to have collisions! The one thing I would have liked would be a clip on the player so I could attach it to something. Otherwise, my experience so far has given me hope that this helps put my son on the road to respecting his belongings.

I also didn’t know how he would react to the earphones, but other than needing my help to put them on he didn’t pay much mind to them with the music playing. He liked the bright colors and the buttons. Thankfully, like adult MP3 Players, the device has a hold switch so he was not able to fiddle with it too much.

Retailing at $45.99, the player holds around 1800 songs (way more than my son even knows so we did not test out that limit), requires a single AAA battery and is compatible with both Mac and Windows.**

The Crayola MP3 Player was a hit with my son. It’s yet another device that leaves me in awe at the technology he can use at such a young age. I ultimately hope that we can use the DVD player in the car a little less and let him have his 3 year old daydreams out the window while listening to his “tunes”.

*Disclosure: I was provided a free product sample in exchange for this post. All opinions expressed are my own, your experience may differ. ** Product information taken from packaging and website.

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