Shannon’s Slimdown with Dragon Gym: Vacation, then a "Graduation" of sorts

Hi everyone! It’s been a few weeks since my last update on my progress with my fitness program at Dragon Gym. Following my last update, my family enjoyed a wonderful vacation to the Outer Banks and since our return, some great things have been going on in my training sessions with Steve!

When I returned from vacation, my home scale was telling me that I had gained about 3 pounds from enjoying ourselves a little too much while we were away! I was trying hard to avoid that from happening, but it was vacation after all. So, when I went into meet with Steve, I was feeling particularly motivated to kick my training into high gear and and not only get rid of the vacation weight I’d gained, but also to start losing at a more rapid pace.

Interestingly, Steve was prepared for our post-vacation meeting with a plan for moving to the next phase of our training … i.e. Phase 2! It was great that we both were thinking along the same lines that I had mastered “Basic Training” and needed to take it to the next level with my training intensity, my total exercise hours per week and my eating plan.

The other important detail that we discussed is that I need smaller, short term goals to strive towards. It works better for me to stay focused and motivated to have little interim steps that I am trying to meet, instead of just that big final weight loss number at the end. So, we talked about over a 11 day period trying to lose 4 pounds…. the 3 that I had gained on vacation, plus 1 additional. It was aggressive, but again, with more intense workouts, exercising a minimum of 5 hours per week, and eating much more carefully, I am hopeful that I can get there. Tomorrow is weigh in day, so I will let you know next week if we were able to meet the goal or not!

So, Phase 2 begins…. wish me luck everyone! The workouts have definitely been harder the last two weeks, but I feel SO GREAT when I am done.

Until the next Shannon’s Slimdown, have a healthful week!
*Disclosure: Dragon Gym has provided personal training services and gym membership to me in order to do this project. No compensation was received for this post, and as always, all opinions are strictly my own.

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