Fitting In Fitness: Try An Exercise Date

By Sarah L. Bender

My Dad bought Ethan a car seat for his van. My husband Michael installed it for him over the weekend and we left our little man in his capable hands for a much needed 24-hour break.

We did the usual, go out to dinner, go in a few stores, actually have a conversation about something besides poop and we even held hands. After a relaxing night, where the only person I read a book to was myself, and a long night of much needed sleep, we headed out in the morning to run some long, slow miles together.

Running is one of many elements that first attracted us to each other. It also let us get to know each other, work out problems and has given us an excuse to travel. Since Ethan came into our lives (best thing ever), we don’t often get to do runs with just each other. We either take turns running or, more often, just bring Ethan with us in the jogger. It’s become a family affair and that’s just fine.

But this morning, it was like old times. It was just us. We had conversation filled miles and some silent ones, but they were all comfortable and familiar. It was a reminder that in the end, our baby will grow, leave our nest and make his own life. It was a reminder that it will be just us again, in about twenty years or so.

I know for many couples the “us” after kids can be scary and sadly sometimes doesn’t work out. Like anyone, I don’t want this to happen to Michael and me. I’m planning on fighting tooth and nail to remember the “us” that we started out as and will end up as. One of the ways I’m doing this is with a long, slow run with just my partner.

I know fitting in a date night can be hard. Your tired, the kids have activities, you’re going back to school. I get it. So, instead of having a traditional date night why not call up your favorite babysitter and see if they can come be with your kids during a Sunday morning. Then, take your partner for a long walk, or take a yoga class, or ride your bikes, or got to a local park and use their circuit training course. Fitness is just a small part of who you are as an individual, but it can be a big part of keeping you and your partner together. It’s time well spent…I promise.

Fitting in Fitness appears every other Wednesday. Before becoming a mother to one inquisitive little boy named Ethan, Montco Mom Sarah spent five years working in the fitness publishing industry. She finds peace, and a sense of self through running, weight training and practicing yoga. Questions, inquiries and inspiration are always welcome. To learn more about her parenting style, check out her blog Ethan’s Day.

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