Shannon’s Slimdown with Dragon Gym: Another One Bites the Dust

Another One Bites the Dust. Another pound that is.

But who’s counting? Well. Maybe I am just a little, but I am certainly not focusing all of my energy on it. After my last update when I told you about all of my decreases in weight and inches from my workouts at Dragon Gym, it really made me realize that I need to focus on the long term goals.

It is important to do weekly weight checks to stay accountable and make sure that I am staying on track, but I don’t want to obsess about it. The real results will be every several weeks when I have my body composition rechecked and I see how many inches I am losing!

This week there was an even more exciting realization for me. For the first time EVER in my life, I bounced out of bed and was excited, truly excited to get to the gym for a workout. Yes, I’ve been committed before. Yes, I’ve been motivated to stay on track and get healthy before too. But, I’ve never ever felt a true excitement at the prospect of getting to the gym and getting a workout in.

I have to say that the feeling has taken me by complete surprise. And, it is AWESOME. I love how I feel these days. I have so much more energy and my moods are so much better too. What a blessing it has been to not only lose some weight, but even more to FEEL GOOD. For so long I’ve been struggling with chronic fatigue, migraines, mood issues, etc. and to feel energetic and healthy and have less “headache days” is nothing short of a miracle!

How do you feel about working out? Is it something you look forward to or is it complete drudgery for you? What are some tips you’ve learned to look at it in a more positive light?

Until the next Shannon’s Slimdown, have a healthful week!
*Disclosure: Dragon Gym has provided personal training services and gym membership to me in order to do this project. No compensation was received for this post, and as always, all opinions are strictly my own.

3 Responses to “Shannon’s Slimdown with Dragon Gym: Another One Bites the Dust”

  1. Musings of a Housewife Says:

    I struggle with working out. I enjoy running, but I don't run far, and I know it's not enough. I WANT to love it, and I feel good when I'm out there, but I don't wake up excited about exercising. I WANT to feel that way, though. It's hard to find the right thing that makes you feel that way, I think.

    Kudos to you for looking at your long term goals.

  2. Whitney MWS Says:

    Well as you know I go back and forth on this. When I'm good, I do LOVE exercising. I've been good most of this spring and felt like you – bouncing out of bed excited to work out. But it doesn't take much to lose it – one week out of my workout regime and I'm uninspired. It takes a lot to stay motivated – but it's so great when you do. Congrats on doing so well – I am loving these posts, Shannon!

  3. Kelly Whalen Says:

    I love to read this! You're inspiring me to get moving Shannon!

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