Fitting In Fitness: It’s All About You

I was lucky enough to have my husband home from work on Friday for a much needed day off. This meant I got to do a morning run, SOLO! That’s right…alone…just me…by myself. Don’t get me wrong, I love running with Ethan in my jog stroller, but if you are a stay-at-home-mother like me, you know that alone time can be scarce. It’s just part of the sacrifice and while I’m totally at peace with that I always jump at the chance for a solo effort.

I was excited and looking forward to getting lost in my thoughts. I couldn’t wait to sweat and breath and listen to my feet on the ground. I’d planned my favorite 6.2 mile loop with water stops along the way just to squeeze in those few extra minutes by myself.

Instead, I went out, got about a mile into it and felt AWFUL. Really awful! I couldn’t catch my breath because it was so humid, my socks were soaked through because I was sweating so much. The squeaking sound was beyond annoying. Normally I drink out of people’s water hoses (hey, I can either pass out from dehydration in your front yard or you can give me a quick sip), but since it was a holiday weekend most people were home and I didn’t feel comfortable.

After three miles I was just annoyed and disappointed. My alone time was being consumed with pushing myself just to put one foot in front of the other. I wanted to think about other things and just let my body be on auto-pilot. It wasn’t happening.

But then I realized something: Even though this was turning out to be a bad workout, that was okay. It was okay, because even a bad workout leads me to my ultimate goal: I’m still a better mother, wife and woman because I’ve gone and done it. I got the chance to think about myself and my body for an hour. I took the time to “make it all about me” that is so essential. After all, we can’t give of ourselves to anyone, and especially our children, if we haven’t taken care of us.

So, my message to you this week is to take time to make it all about you. Exercise is a great way to do this. If you don’t want to be alone that’s okay. Pick up the phone and invite a friend for some girl time. You need this ladies and you deserve it. I promise, even if the workout didn’t go the way you envisioned, that you will be better afterwards.

Fitting in Fitness appears every other Wednesday. Before becoming a mother to one inquisitive little boy named Ethan, Montco Mom Sarah spent five years working in the fitness publishing industry. She finds peace, and a sense of self through running, weight training and practicing yoga. Questions, inquiries and inspiration are always welcome. To learn more about her parenting style, check out her blog Ethan’s Day.

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