Changing Communication with West Chester Computer Doctors

West Chester Computer Doctors

Skype is an everyday tool in our household. It is a critical tool for me in running my business. I use it both for networking with business friends who I can run ideas or challenges by via text chatting as well as for business conference calls via the audio feature.
When my husband travels for work, we use Skype to video chat with Daddy so that my girls get to see him while they speak to him. It makes them feel more connected to him while he is gone for long stretches. Our favorite use of Skype was when my in-laws used to live several hours away from us. We would log onto Skype and our girls would video chat their grandparents, much to my in-laws delight. We would only see them maybe 4 to 6 times a year, and Skype helped satisfy their longing to see the kids’ beautiful faces and personalities in a way that photos just can’t do!
Are you or your family using Skype? Would you like to be? Check out this great promotion and information from West Chester Computer Doctors. They really get what family and personal computing is all about.

Are you video chatting yet?

FREE face to face chat, on your computer,

your phone, your couch…


Contact us today for a chance to win one of several computer video chat make-overs.
We are so convinced that everyone should be using a FREE video chat systems that we’re giving them away!
Just follow these THREE easy steps:
  1. Contact West Chester Computer Doctors
  2. Come in to our shop for a demo and setup
  3. Start video chatting today!
Keep in touch with loved ones abroad, or down the street. Talk face to face with your friend in another country. Stop using your phone to talk to the cutest grandkids you’ve ever seen… click a button and talk to them face to face.

Call or email today to setup an appointment. Have our staff demonstrate the power of this technology to you first hand and get your equipment primed and ready to use in your own home. Low setup costs, FREE service, and the best communication tool you have ever used!

Act soon for a shot at 2 top prizes of a complete setup for both you and a remote friend or family member. Up to a $190 value!
Click HERE to email us for a chance to win!

Start changing the way you talk to people in you lives.

West Chester Computer Doctors

28 South High Street

West Chester, Pennsylvania 19382


Located in the middle of the block

*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are strictly my own.

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