Redefining Mom… J.CREW Style

Wooo Hoo DATE NIGHT! Babysitter – check, dinner reservations booked – check, one hour to get dressed and out the door and HAULT! Now I am standing in my closet staring into oblivion! How did this happen? When did it happen? How is it possible I have NOTHING to wear? How is it nothing fits and everything I own says 40-something MOM! Sound familiar? For me this was my recent state of life until I arose from my diaper daze and started to realize that yes I may now be better known as Mommy but that did not mean I had to transform from a Fashion Diva to a Fashion Disaster!

I think many of us find that after having kids once the dust settles we start to reacquaint with ourselves mentally and psychically. I must admit, suddenly I found myself unsure of my new body type and how to dress for my new life style. After thirteen years as a career woman in corporate American my career was now on the home front and snotty noses do not always mix well with the latest Tory Burch or Burberry ensemble! It was time to redefine, edit my closet and put down my copy of the Toddler Whisperer and get back to reading Style Magazines & Women’s Wear Daily. So next time Daddy wants to go on a hot date I have a snazzy number that is perfect for my new body type waiting in the wings!

I am sure many of you are thinking, sounds great but where do I start? If only I could have a personal shopper to do all the heavy lifting, bring me fabulous wares so I can play dress up and walk out feeling and looking like a million bucks! Well, lets start here: YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED to grab the hottest MOM Ticket in town for a fabulous night of fashion and styling! What better way to spoil your self rotten this Mother’s Day than taking time to for an upfront peak at the J. Crew 2011 Spring/Summer Line. The fashions are classic American lifestyle so elegantly defined with bright colors and sleek monochromatic outfitting accented with fun stripes, lace and eyelet detailing. As always J. Crew captives with sophistication yet entices our girly side with an understated conservative appeal. Fashions that transcend from the sandbox to cocktails with Daddy!

Join Chester County Moms on May 5th and treat yourself to some personal time with your own Personal Shopper and save with some stunning J.Crew discounts. The fun will be held at the J.Crew of Briton Lake in Concordville, PA. Dazzling drinks and appetizers as you mingle with a chance to win some stylish giveaways or lucky raffle prizes. Register here today, for your fashionably hot ticket!

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