Fun Spring Break & Easter Events happening in Chester County

The Chester County Moms Calendar Team has been hard at work finding lots of fun Easter and Spring Break activities going on in Chester County this week. Make sure to visit the Chester County Moms Community Calendar for egg hunts, photo opps, brunches and more.

Got the Spring Break.. I don’t know what we are going to do blues? Check out this fun list of local activities to keep your little ones busy during spring break.

Geocaching is also a SUPER fun & FREE activity to keep your little ones busy this week. Geocaching is one of my families very favorite things to do on the weekends. Click here to read all about my geochaching adventures.

Spring Break Nature Walk Scavenger Hunt

You know we love a scavenger hunt here at Chesco Moms.. even offline ones! Click on the photo to the left, print it out and set out to explore the great outdoors with your little ones. The first one to find all of the the items on the check list…wins!

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