Monday Tips For Busy Moms : Car Essentials

When you spend much of your time in the car, you need a handful of necessities to keep you sane – especially when you spend the majority of that time in the car with your children. Keep in mind, my children are still very young (both under the age of three), so my list may differ form yours a little bit.
I am fortunate that my commute in the morning is not a long one but there is still a list of things that I keep in the car at all times to make my morning rush (and any other time that we need to get somewhere) a little easier.
The most obvious thing I try to keep up on is tissues and napkins. I think I must reach for these things every time I am in the car, for one reason or another. I either spill my coffee or need to blot lipstick. My daughter MUST have everything a certain way, and clean is usually her preferred state. She needs napkins and tissues at the ready, at all times. Then there’s just the usual runny nose or sippy cup spill. They just need to be within reach, so they have their very own compartment in my awesome center console, just above the cup holders.
I also keep hand sanitizer in the car. The kids don’t use it because they are too young, but my husband and I use it incessantly. I am all for washing your hands with good old soap and water, but when you in the car you can’t do that. Because I am always the binky and food handler, I use it pretty much every time I get back into the car (and absolutely every time I pump gas. Just the thought of it grosses me out).
Next is the diaper bag. If you have older children this has probably been discarded, but I highly recommend an activity bag or just a bag of essentials for older children. I keep a diaper bag in the car so that I don’t have to worry about whether or not I have enough diapers or wipes if I need to just run out quickly or need a backup. Luckily my kids both where the same size (and my daughter will be done with them very soon…we are on our way to potty success!) so I just make sure there are about ten in there so I know for sure (even if I used a few on a previous trip) that there are enough. I keep either a whole box of wipes or a resealable plastic bag of wipes in the diaper bag as well. Wipes have endless uses, so you can never have enough, in my opinion. There is, of course, a changing pad in there and usually a few snacks that I know are safe in the car. Snacks might change seasonally, but they usually consist of crackers and cereal-stuff that won’t get frozen or melty in the car (I check and change these out regularly). I also try to keep a set of seasonally appropriate changes of clothes for each child at the ready.
The rest of the items that I keep in the car are pretty self explanatory, so I will just list them for you:
• Sunglasses (for myself and my daughter)
• Stroller
• Cart cover
• Reusable shopping bags
• Emergency kit
• Toys/books
• Kids Cd’s
• Phone charger
• Umbrella
• Blanket
Needless to say, my van is always packed to the gills, but I am always prepared and that makes me feel safe and confident
What do you always have on hand? Please feel free to add to the list!

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