Fitting In Fitness: Starting Over…Again

Last week Ethan and I went to our monthly mom’s group meeting. It’s a great way to spend a morning and I always learn something about myself and motherhood. Plus, there is free childcare from loving adults and a potluck breakfast. Whoo hooo! If you aren’t a member of a mom’s group of some kind I’d highly recommend it.

I was sitting with the nicest group of women when someone brought up the subject of starting to exercise…yet again. This particular woman has three children and one has special needs. In other words, she’s got a very full plate. She seemed a bit bummed about getting out of her exercise routine, but I wasn’t focused on that. I thought “good for you for starting to exercise…yet again.”

Let’s face it, we all fall off the wagon in the commitments we make. That’s okay and totally normal. What matters is that you start up again. Even if you’ve fallen way out of shape or haven’t hit the gym in months, it doesn’t matter. Pick a day, pick an activity and go for it.

This woman at my table got herself a little stair-stepper she could keep in the corner of her bedroom. She was committed to waking up 30 minutes earlier to get in a workout that fit her lifestyle and ability level. I could tell she wasn’t thrilled by the idea, but she knew it was something important she needed to do for herself. If she was going to be the mother, and woman, she wanted to be then she was getting back on the exercise wagon today. If she can do it, so can you!

Fitting in Fitness appears every other Wednesday. Before becoming a mother to one inquisitive little boy named Ethan, Montco Mom Sarah spent five years working in the fitness publishing industry. She finds peace, and a sense of self through running, weight training and practicing yoga. Questions, inquiries and inspiration are always welcome. To learn more about her parenting style, check out her blog Ethan’s Day.

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