Monday Tips for Busy Moms: Filing by Jennifer Worthington Lower

Getting organized seems to be a very popular topic all the time, but especially at the beginning of the year as part of New Years Resolutions. I have written about my resolutions before but they have changed and here’s the all encompassing finality: BE BETTER AT EVERYTHING. A little nuts, right? But it touches on everything that I want to accomplish, one of which being to get more organized. Another thing that I want to do this year is to simplify my life (which goes hand-in-hand with organizing). So why get messy with multiple resolutions and not just go for the biggie? So there, I’m getting organized and simplifying (and a million other things…he he).
I live in a shared home and that makes space an issue. I often misplace papers because I am an organized mess and operate out of categorical piles. The stuff is there (I swear) just not where I can find it when I need it. I have a filing cabinet but it’s never where I need it to be and so the piles take up valuable counter and table space.
The answer: WALL FILES
They are inexpensive and can be found at any office supply store. They come in many different varieties with different sizes, colors, capacity and even somewhat attractive finishes. I know that you can get more desirable pieces at home furnishing stores but they tend to be more pricey.
These are great for the kitchen, office, bedrooms…just about anywhere you keep papers. We do not have an office space that is officially labeled but resides in a corner of our bedroom. Our files hang just inside our bedroom door for our incoming and outgoing. I separate by things to be handled immediately (bills and such), things to be filed and miscellaneous. I may add a second set as I become better at containing my organized chaos, but for now this is working. At least it looks nicer!

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