Fitting In Fitness: Finish Your First 5K

Let’s face it, this winter has been a tough one weather wise. I’ve been clinging to my treadmill and yoga DVDs because I don’t feel like having icicles on my eyelashes and toes so frozen I can’t feel them. The good news is, spring is on its way.

Last week when we had the warm stretch I buckled my son Ethan into his jog stroller and took off to enjoy the weather. I’m happy to report so did a lot of other folks. We passed by so many people out walking, running or doing a combination of both. It was energizing and motivating and got me thinking about running a 5K and helping you run one too.

I’ve created a training plan I know you won’t be able to resist. I have you running, walking or doing a combination of both three days a week for ten weeks. That’s it! The only equipment you’ll need is a good quality pair of running shoes (support a local business by purchasing them from the Chester County Running Store), an inexpensive stopwatch (Target or Walmart will have these) and some comfy clothes.

The plan is pretty easy to understand. You’ll see the weeks laid out in ratios like this: 3:1 x 4.

3:1 means you will run or walk at a good effort for three minutes, then do one minute at an easier pace. Some people might choose to run for three minutes and walk for one. Anything goes!

The x 4 means you will repeat the 3:1 ratio four times.

Do each week’s workout three times. Ideally you would do it every-other-day, but we are mothers and there is no ideal. Just get the workouts in when you can. Remember to do a five minute warm-up and cool-down. The cool-down should include some light stretching.

Week 1: 3:1 x 4
Week 2: 3:1 x 5
Week 3: 3:2 x 5
Week 4: 3:1 x 5
Week 5: 3:2 x 5
Week 6: 3:3 x 3
Week 7: 4:2 x 5
Week 8: 3:2 x 4
Week 9: 4:2 x 5
Week 10: 3:2 x 4 two days and the race

For races in our area check on these sites:
Chester County Running Store
The US Race Calendar
The Pagoda Pacers

If you are confused or have a question leave it in the comments section and I will get back to you with an answer or some inspiration.

Fitting in Fitness appears every other Wednesday. Before becoming a mother to one inquisitive little boy named Ethan, Montco Mom Sarah spent five years working in the fitness publishing industry. She finds peace, and a sense of self through running, weight training and practicing yoga. Questions, inquiries and inspiration are always welcome. To learn more about her parenting style visit her blog Ethan’s Day.

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